Chapter 56. Basics

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'Sideswipe? Where are my keys? Did you retake them?' I searched frantically through the kitchen. Sideswipe grabbed his jacket. 'I think you're holding them.' I stopped and groaned. 'Great...' he chuckled. 'You're such a ray of sunshine,' he purred. I rolled my eyes and walked around the counter. Sideswipe caught me in his arms. 'You're tensed...' I snorted and let him kiss me. 'Way too tensed; that's not a good thing.' I hummed and grabbed the collar of his shirt. I deepened the kiss.
'What are you gonna do today?' I asked. 'Oh, well... I would take over a training session from Ironhide...' he trailed off and shrugged. I smiled and watched him walk over to the door. 'Alright.' He opened the door and let me pass.

The ride to the base was quiet; I was still not fully awake. Sideswipe grasped my hand, smiling. 'You're going to be fine; it's not your first day at the base.' I sighed unhappily. 'No, but it is my first day with new people; I don't like new people, I grumbled. 'You're going to be fine; I am sure of that. How can people not like you.' I snorted and kissed his hand.

He rolled into the base and came to a stop. 'Okay, you'd like me to walk you to your designation?' I shook my head and kissed his lips. 'No, I'll be fine...' I wanted him to come, but I didn't want people to see I was nervous. 'Okay, I will see you during your break then.' He winked at me and unbuckled my seatbelt. I kissed his lips one more time before leaving and heading towards the other part of the base. I had never been there before.

I wasn't sure either what to expect. Lennox had just given me the job and hadn't introduced me to the people I had to work with or shown me around because I had known this base for so long. After fifteen minutes of walking and searching, I found what I was looking for. The 'Z' wing. It was a small, almost forgotten wing, almost neglected and abandoned as well. A door leading to a small office was at the end of the hallway. I strode in, and the few people inside stopped as if I had just grown three heads. 'Uh, h-hi... I am Skylla; I am new.'

'Oh, you're the rookie.' I opened my mouth to explain myself and protest, but the lady had already walked up to me. 'Right, Lennox had told us about it, but... we hadn't expected you to come today,' she said, pushing me through the room. 'I am Laura; everything you do has to be reported to me, you got that?' she asked. I gave the nod. 'This is Stacy, Lilly and Julliet.' I nodded, looking at the three women. 'Nice to meet you...'

'So, what can I do?' I asked to change the subject. 'I am in charge here... I know just what you can do.' I raised a brow as she turned away. I looked around the small office, if I could even could call it an office. Laura returned with a bucket and mop. 'You can do some cleaning while we do the real work.' she pushed me back towards the door. 'I am not a cleaner, I am hired to–' she opened the door. 'You can just do this hallway all the way to the stairs and elevator; come back if you're done.' She slammed the door shut in my face.

I sucked in a breath and stared at the closed door. I didn't want to get on the wrong side, so I started cleaning the floor and overthinking my next move. I didn't want Sideswipe to come here and see me cleaning, so I searched for him before he could come to me if he could even find that closet of an office.


A smile crept up on my face. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. 'So? How's it going?' he asked as he took me with him to the cafeteria. 'Well, I had to search for the 'Z' wing; I didn't even know we had a 'Z' wing...' I trailed off. 'Me neither,' he replied quietly. 'I am not sure if they like me, Sides,' I sighed. 'Ah, don't be ridiculous. They will love you! You are really good at what you're doing, and I am sure they will see you are an asset to them.' He smiled. 'I hope so...' I mumbled. He nuzzled in my neck again. 'How was your training?' I asked to change the subject. 'It was fine... stupid rookies, seriously, I don't know how Ironhide is doing it without going nuts,' he mocked. 'You are behaving, right?' He hummed. I poked his belly. 'Yeah, yeah... I am behaving.' He rolled his eyes and started smiling. I hadn't seen that smile for a long time.

We sat down, and he was talking endlessly about everything, but I couldn't really focus on what he was saying. 'Sky? Hello? Skylla?' He snapped his fingers in front of my face. 'Are we back on the same frequency, or should I change it to match yours.' I gave him a look. 'Have you ever heard one word I just said?' he asked. 'Uh, yeah... you want the PS5,' I trailed off. 'I was talking about that twenty minutes ago! No, I was talking about–' he groaned and waved his hand, 'never mind.'

'You eye a little sad; why that sad face?' he asked. 'What? N-no, I am not sad... just thinking.' I shrugged it off. 'Just thinking? I don't look sad when I am thinking. Come on, talk to me; what is wrong?' he asked. 'Nothing, Sideswipe. Nothing is wrong.' I got up. 'Skylla, baby... please, don't walk away from me.' He offered me a warm smile. I rolled my eyes. 'I'll see you at five in the hangar, okay?' He shook his head. 'It's gotta be seven; I am not done until then.' I hummed and cupped his cheek. 'Alright, see you at seven. I love you, Sides.' He hummed and kissed the back of my hand. 'I know you do,' he purred.

The second part of my day wasn't any better. Laura didn't want me there, and she made that very clear. I was just glad when I was done at five, I still had to wait for two hours, but I didn't mind much. I headed back to the populated parts of the base. 'Lil'lady!' Jazz chirped and walked up to me. 'How was your first day?' he asked. 'Awsome,' I replied, half sarcastic. 'Nice, Sideswipe told me you were a little nervous and asked me to entertain you while he's wrapping up the training sessions.' I hummed and walked with him through the hangar.

'Can I borrow your gun?'

He frowned. 'Are ya gonna kill someone, lil'lady?' he taunted. 'No, just want to do some shooting in the shooting range, but Sideswipe never lets me try it with his gun. It can be our secret, right?' Jazz sucked in a breath and started thinking. 'I guess...' he gestured for me to follow him. 'He will murder me if he knows, so you really need to keep this a secret,' I warned as he handed me my gun. 'I know, don't worry about it. My lips are sealed, but I am pretty sure he will rip me in half again, so...' he smirked a little. I snorted and took a stance. Jazz helped me find the a good stance and instructed me.

'Not too bad for a first time.' I smiled and looked at the target I just hit. 'Do you think you can teach me some combat?' He but his lip. 'I don't know, Skylla. I don't think that's a good idea...' he trailed off. 'Come on, Jazz. Sideswipe doesn't have to know, no one does.' He sighed. 'I think Sideswipe has a point. He would be devestated if you get hurt.' I sucked in a breath. 'He's crazy about you, do you really want to continue doing this?' He added. 'It won't hurt anyone, right? It's not like I get send to fight in the battlefield. It's just some self defense, I work at a military base, and my boyfriend is an ex-gladiator and front liner. Just the basics, come on, please.'

Jazz sucked in a breath and crossed my arms. 'Just the basics! You hear me? I get in a lot of trouble with Sideswipe if he finds out I'm training his girl without consent.' I snorted 'Sideswipe doesn't decide what I do. He's my boyfriend, not my dad,' I scolded. 'No, but he does know what he's talking about and he has a point.'
'The basics. It doesn't mean I get sent off to a battlefield. Just some self defense, that's all.' Jazz bit his lip. 'Alright, just the basics.'

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