Chapter 3. Just a chat

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I walked up to Sideswipe when I spotted him late that evening, drinking beer on his own. I slowly sat down at the table but he ignored me. 'You're okay? Mark said he hit you pretty hard in the gut with his gun,' I said. He still ignored me and kept looking at his phone. 'Look, we are stuck with each other for some time, but I would love to get to know you better. You are the only Autobot I don't have a close bond with. You seem like a fun mech, why don't we give it a try?' I asked. Sideswipe snorted, still not looking up. 'Yeah, right... what do you want me to do with you? Paint your nails?' he snapped. He looked up from his phone. 'You don't do anything, you are boring... the only thing you can do is playing a card game,' he snapped. 'Of course, Prowl taught me... have you ever thought about the privileges? I am have a very close bond with Optimus and Prowl. When you do something stupid, I can probably save your ass.'

Sideswipe was interested by that. 'You would do that for me?' he asked. 'Of course,' I said, slumping back. 'But? I feel like there's a price,' he said. 'No, there's not price... it's a fact,' I said. 'And how do you know I am boring? You don't know anything about me,' I said. 'You do everything according to the rules...' he sulked. 'You think?' He glanced at me again. 'At the age of fourteen, I stole my dads car because I wanted to go to Miami. I crashed the car and spent a good two days in jail because my dad was too angry to pick me up. I was a bit of trouble maker at home, I pranked my father's boss and he got fired. I have made mistakes...'

'Why don't you ran back to your daddy and mommy then,' he taunted. 'Because they are dead. My dad got murdered and my mom was so scared and mourning that she killed herself. I have seen both my parents die... like I said, you don't know anything about me,' I said. Sideswipe looked down at the table. 'At least you had parents that loved you,' he sulked. 'My dad was an alcoholic... he has hit me a couple of times. That's why I hate alcohol so much.' Sideswipe looked at his beer for a moment. 'But you're right, when my dad wasn't drunk, he cared and did my mom.'

'Yeah and what did I have? They hated me,' he sulked. 'Optimus doesn't hate you and neither do Prowl and Ironhide. What makes you think that?' I questioned. 'The fact they always yell at me,' he scowled, pointing around. 'Because you're rebellious and do things you shouldn't do. It's not hate, it's disciplining.' Sideswipe snorted mockingly and waved me off. 'Fuck off, Skyla,' he spat. I sighed softly, 'Sideswipe please...' he slammed his fist on the table. 'I said fuck off!' He shouted. I flinched before I got up. 'Leave me alone,' he snapped. I shook my head and walked off.

He's so defensive.

I doubted this was going to work out the way Prime had invisioned this. I promised I would try, but this is way harder than I thought it would be. I sighed, heading back to my room. I was tired and wanted to forget about our conversation, beside, I have a busy day tomorrow. Beside my work here at the base, I also work in a restaurant. It wasn't the most fun job, but it paid quite good. I dressed up and left to help Ironhide first from 7:00 to 11:00 than I have to help Prowl from 12:00 to 3:00, ratchet wanted to see me 3:30 and then I also have show a few rookies around. At 6:00 I have to show up at work till 11:00 pm.

I hadn't slept really good because of Sideswipe the other day but I tried not to think much about it. I can't tell him what to and I have no time trying to see if he likes me. It's a shame because I secretly have always liked him. He does have his good moments. He can be so sweet and adorable. A few weeks back, he was playing with Annabel and he was so sweet, warm and kind. It really melted my heart and I know that this is not him. I refused to believe it. It's just a mystery why he's acting so cranky and rude all the time.

I made a ponytail of my hair and walked off to start my long tiring day. I forgot about Sideswipe until during my lunch break. He was making a fuzz again. He pushed the soldier against the table with so much force he knocked him. Furiously he stormed over to the kitchen and got some food. Sideswipe sat down, the table next to me. There was plenty of space, so why would he sit beside me?

I decided not to talk to him to see if he would try to get my attention I bet he would because he 'accidentally' dropped his knife, close to my feet. He got up and reached for it. I glanced at him. 'You're early,' he commented. I looked away. 'Are you mad?' He asked. 'If you wanna talk to me, just sit down in front of me,' I replied quietly. Sideswipe quickly settled into the chair in front of me. 'Where did you... get that from?' He pointed at the two fried eggs. 'I made it.'

He ohh'ed. I gave him my second egg which he gratefully accepted and devoured. 'You're a good cook,' he said. 'Thank you, I have cooked a lot of meals for the soldiers and Autobots here,' I said. 'I never got to taste it?' He raised a brow in confusion. 'Because you missed all the important dinners,' I replied. He looked down at the table. I finished my breakfast. 'I have to go, Ironhide asked for me,' I said, getting up. His big beautiful baby blue eyes stared at me. Gosh, I had never realized how beautiful they are.


I walked off to start my shift. Sideswipe was ignoring me again, like he didn't want to be seen with me. It sort of hurt but I tried not to feel bothered by it. At 7 PM I was doing my rounds in the restaurant, already tired out from today. I served a table and walked up to a new customer. 'Hey...' he glanced at me. He was sitting in the corner with a girl. A brunette. She was pretty, I had to admit that. 'You know her?' The girl asked. 'No, I don't,' Sideswipe muttered and shot me a nasty glare.

I decided to ignore and noted their orders before walking off. Half an hour later, I fell and dropped some plates, cutting my hand. I groaned in pain and reached for my shoulder. 'What a loser.' I glanced at the brunette sitting with Sideswipe. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. 'Skyla!' I jumped in shock as my boss, Tyler, marched over to me. 'What do you think your doing!' He shouted. 'Get up!' He spat out.

'There's no need to yell at her! It was an accident!'

Sideswipe marched over to the guy. He's finally making a fuzz when I wanted it. Tyler glared at Sideswipe. 'What the fuck do you think your doing! Is this how you always treat your staff!' He snapped. Tyler was taken back by his sudden eruption and looked at me. 'Go home, you're fired,' Tyler snapped and waved me off. 'Oh, and clean up this mess you made,' he snapped.

I quickly started to grab the pieces of what once was a plate and cleaned up the mess before I left. It was raining hard as well. Complete soaked, I reached the base. The base was quiet when I strode in. Just Prowl snarling at some rookies. He stopped when he saw me and walked up to me. 'What happened to you?'
I hugged him and cried. 'Hey, what happened?' He sat me down on his hood and I told him everything that had happened.

He grasped my wrist to look at my hands. 'It's not your fault, it was an accident,' he said and dried my tears. 'Come on, Ratchet should've look at this,' he said and helped me up.

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