Chapter 50. Couple

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'Wake up, you.'

I earned some grumpy noises. 'We really have to talk about how late I get up,' he grumbled. 'It's ten in the morning.' I nudged him. 'So...?' He sulked and turned his back towards me. 'So... we've to get up.' I got up. 'Skylla. Come back.' He looked over his shoulder. 'Five more minutes.' I gave him a look. 'Five more minutes for you turn into five hours.' He groaned and curled up. 'Whatever.' He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep again. I am sure we are going to have some arguments and the relationship we have won't always be that easy.

He opened one eye to watch me move around. 'You're gonna take a shower?' He asked. 'I am, maybe you should try that too. You smell pretty bad.' He snorted. 'I do not...' I gave him a look. 'I'll wash you if you join.' He snorted but got up. 'We've seen each other anyway, right?' He hummed and grabbed a few things. 'This smells clean.'

'I washed it and your underwear.' He started smiling. 'You did my laundry? Seriously?' I sighed. 'And my own laundry, yes.' I grabbed my clothing for today. He wrapped one arm around my waist and kissed me. 'I love you.' I hummed. 'We got a busy day.' He raised a brow. 'We have? What are we gonna do?' He asked. 'I told you that last night, before we went to bed?'
'You did...?'

'Yes, but you weren't paying attention.' He followed me. 'Van you repeat it?' He asked. 'I can't stay at this base. I want my own place. I've told you that before too, but you refused to let me go, remember? Now we're a couple it's easy, you move in with me.' He bit his lip. 'I can't help you pay the rent or whatever. Why don't we stay here? We don't have to waste money,' he said, closing the door. 'Sideswipe, I want a life and I want it with you. You really want to live in this small room? You can't pay for it, but I can. I saved up some money.'

'But you need a job. Modeling was your way of making money. Or at least, it was the job you got most money from,' he said. 'I know, but now I am ugly, they don't want me anymore, thanks for the reminder.' He turned me. 'You're not ugly. You can still do modeling, but you would do me a favor if you wear more clothing. I don't want other people to see your beautiful body,' he mumbled.

I smiled and kissed. 'You said you wanted a life. A normal life, right? We don't have other people, a busy base... you know... all that type of thing. You can have your own place for gaming and whatever.' He smiled weakly.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
As much as I wanted to build up a life with her, I know it's going to be a challenge. I still have a twin brother I need to include. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into. Is she able to love my brother as much as she loves me?

She pulled her shirt over her head. 'Oh, and from now... throw your clothing in the laundry basket. I am already doing your laundry but don't make me have to pick it off the ground too.'
'I will.' She turned on the water. 'I like the bossy you.' She snorted and pushed a little.

She stepped in the shower stall and followed quickly behind. 'You said you would wash me?' She grabbed the shampoo. 'That's what I said, huh?' She mocked. I lowered a little so she could wash my hair. She wasn't just washing me. She was also giving me a nice head massage. Goosebumps formed all over my arms. She once was this shy, mousy girl but now, around me, she was really confident.

She washed the soap from my head and grabbed the soap. I really tried not to get 'excited' as she moved to my pelvis. 'You know... I am really sensitive for hot girls in a shower, so you might want to wrap it up?' I asked. She looked at me. 'But I am not done yet.' I ran my hand through my hair. 'Damn it femme.'
She smirked. 'You agreed to this, so suck it up.' I snorted. 'It's easy for you.' She gave me a look as she continued to wash me and roam her hands over my body. 'You're not gonna be cocky or arrogant today. This is a big deal for me.'

I nodded. 'I promise.'
My body shivered as her hands moved to a certain location. 'Now you're just teasing me!' He wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in a kiss. She laughed. 'Naughty!' Her arms sneaked around my neck. I pressed my body against hers.

She insisted to hurry and I also stupidly allowed her to drive my alt-mode. I guess I really started to have a weak for her. She truly does something with me I can't explain. The homes she picked were way over my budget. Even if I could afford it, I still wouldn't buy or rent it. We walked through the fourth house and I started to be hungry and grumpy but I didn't want to ruin this for her. It's a big deal.

I took her apart. 'What do you think?' She asked. 'All the homes are great, baby, but they're... maybe a little bit above budget? I am not saying it because I am sort of bankrupt but because I want to think this through. I don't want to pick anything today.' She sighed softly. 'I want to talk about it first,' I stated. She gave a small nod. 'Maybe we can grab a bite somewhere in town because I am starving,' I added. 'Makes you cranky too, sure.' She passed me. I hate it she knows me so well.

I followed her. Last thing I wanted was ruining this for her, but I didn't feel comfortable either. She said it wasn't a big deal for her to pay for it but I am her boyfriend and we are sort of living in together. It's probably asking for trouble and I don't want to ruin it with her and I am pretty sure my brother is gonna freak out too once her get here.

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