Chapter 42. Kidney

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I opened my eyes. There was a weak dim light hanging in the center of the room. A single light bulb. Flickering annoyingly. I had absolutely no idea where I was or who took me. It could've been a Decepticon or someone decided to take me hostage. Looking down, I took note of my shirt. It's covered in a thick layer of dried blood. I leaned against the wall. Whoever kidnapped me, made the bleeding stop. It was clear this person didn't want me dead yet. Maybe money plays a role? Deceptions aren't really known for their mercy.

This is not good. Sideswipe should've given me his phone number. I reached for my pocket. My phone was still there but I had no service. I reached for my stomach. It's a sloppy job. This is going to cost me my job. I already was about to get fired but now I could shake it.

From the other side of the door, I heard muffled noises. As if someone was shuffling around. The sounds stopped and a loud click followed. My heart was pounding against my ribcage. 'Mark?' I blinked. 'You're awake I see? I am so sorry you had to go through all of that.' He walked up to me. 'What's going on?' I whispered. 'Oh, well... nothing for you to worry about darling. Everything will be okay.' He reached for my face. 'Don't worry.'

He got back up. 'Mark. What's going on?' He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. 'I am so sorry. I never wanted you to get involved in this. I just needed some extra money and you were in the way. I saved your life. If I hadn't seen you, you would've bled out.'

'I need to get back to the base.'
He started laughing. As if this was funny. I was in pain and blood was still escaping even he had tried so hard to stop the bleeding. His medical skills are sloppy. I am pretty sure he hadn't removed the bullet yet. 'Back to the base? So you can run straight into Sideswipe's arms?' He laughed. 'Absolutely not. He can think you're dead. After all, he deserved it. I hate him for stealing you!'

'He didn't steal me. It was my own choice. You started to act like a complete jerk. You believed I was cheating on him. He was dating another woman. He didn't even want to look at me!' I snapped. He kicked me. 'Don't you dare to talk to me like that, bitch!' I flinched. 'I was in a good mood but you're on the way of ruining it.' Mark uttered a deep sigh as if he was thinking about my fate.

'Mark, please...'
He fixed his gaze on me. 'You are desperate, aren't you?' I didn't reply. 'My little butterfly is desperate for a stupid mech that can't keep his spike in his pants,' he snapped. His hand hit my face again. The sound echoed through the room. 'No, you will not go back to him. At least... not alive.' I shivered. 'You patched me up.'

'Doesn't mean I don't want you dead. I thought you might would've changed your mind or something.' I clenched my jaws. 'Apparently not.' I sighed softly. 'I've too much fun torturing you,' he added. 'Sideswipe is a good mech. He's sweet and loving. He's a bit goofy but all you want to do is hurt him! He won't buy it and he will kill you for that.'

'Right, just like he almost killed you? Seriously, I never understood why Sideswipe is so important to you.'
'He will be a better man you will ever be.' Mark's face changed into anger. He lunged for me, knocking me down and started to beat me up until everything went black.

When I woke up, I felt a touch. A soft touch. 'Sideswipe...' I mumbled. I blinked. It wasn't Sideswipe. I couldn't open my right eye. My face was too swollen. 'Let's see how much Sideswipe will like seeing you know,' he sneered. I didn't move. It hurt too much. Mark straddled me. 'Get off me!'

'Get off me!!'

He grabbed my throat and squeezed. I almost choked if it wasn't for Sideswipe bursting through the door. 'Get off her!' He roared. He smashed Mark against the wall. 'What the hell have you done to her!' He sneered. 'You think you will get away with the girl again? You stole her from me! She belonged to me!'

'No, she doesn't. She belongs to me. She's mine and you hurt her. It's all you've been doing, hurting her,' he snapped. Mark snorted. 'You almost killed her!' Sideswipe punched him in the guts. He reached for his knife. 'You're gonna kill me now!' He yelled. 'Oh hell ya. It's what my brother would've done too. Mechs like you don't deserve to live or serve Prime.' Sideswipe threw him aside. Mark collapsed on his hand and knees.

The silvery twin grabbed his hair and exposed his throat. Without a second thought, he sliced his throat open like a paper bag. Blood spewed everywhere. Sideswipe dropped him and turned towards me. 'Baby girl.' He rubbed my forehead. 'I want your damn number, Sideswipe,' I choked. He smiled wryly and nodded,— kissing my forehead. 'Let's go.' The mech picked me up in one smooth move. 'You're gonna be okay.'

'How did you find me...'

'I tracked your phone.' He walked upstairs. 'Don't leave me again, Sideswipe.' He shook his head. 'Never again. I promise, you'll be okay.' I gave a small mod before passing out.

The third time I woke up, I was at the medbay. Sideswipe was sitting beside me on the bed. 'Hello beautiful...' I smiled weakly. He rubbed my head. I couldn't get anything over my lips. I felt too weak. 'I am so sorry. I should've given you my number.' I hummed. 'You're in a bad shape, Skylla.' Ratchet walked in with my chard. 'The bullets damaged your organs. I performed surgery... but you already show signs of organ failure.'

'But you can safe her, right?'

Ratchet sighed. 'She can't live without two kidneys, Sideswipe. She huge internal bleeding. Lost a lot of blood during the surgery, I had to remove her milt and a kidney. Several broken ribs... I have done everything I could. All the medicines I could give her. It's up to her.' Sideswipe looked down at me. 'You're gonna be fine. You hear me? You're gonna be fine!' He laid beside me. 'I am sorry, Sideswipe. Unless we get her another kidney, she's dying.'

'So you're just gonna give up?! Find her a new kidney.'

'It doesn't work that way, Sideswipe. The donor list is long...'
'She's dying! You've to do something!'
'I CAN'T!'

A deadly silence followed. 'I can't.' Sideswipe looked down at me. His eyes were teary. 'Then take my kidney. I got two. She can have mine. Take it out. Give it to her!'
'It's not that simple. You're not human. This is just your holoform and you've Energon in your system—'

'Take my kidney and give it to her. It will save her life. I won't stay here and watch her die. She's my charge. I need to do something, please... make it work.'
'She can die if she gets the wrong kidney.'
'She's already dying. Test me if I am a match.'

'You're not a match. I already know that without testing. You got Energon in your blood. It will kill her.' Sideswipe rubbed my head. 'I am not gonna sit here and wait till a miracle. You take my kidney out. I don't care what you've to do. If you don't do it, I will find another doctor who will.' Ratchet shot Sideswipe a glare. I grasped Sideswipe's hand and squeezed.

'It's not okay. It's not fair...'

'I am sorry, Sideswipe.' He shook his head. 'I have two healthy kidneys. If we wait she's dead by the end of the night. It's a shot but she's already dying... I can't live with it if she passes away. I can't lose her.'

Ratchet sighed. 'Fine. I will see what I can do...'

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