Chapter 39. Old habits

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I couldn't stop looking at Skylla. After our fight in Miami, I had left but when she got back, she didn't glance at me anymore. As if I didn't exist. I was mad and frustrated and kinda fell back in my old habits. I needed her attention, I craved for it. All I wanted from her was to look at me. It was almost like an addiction. I am so mad at her and myself. I reacted my anger on everyone, especially my team. She passed without glanced at me so I stuck out my leg. She collapsed quite hard. 'Sideswipe! Asshole!' She shouted and crawled back on her feet. I didn't reply. At least I got her attention now. She shook her head and stormed off. I got up as well and followed her 'Skylla!' I roared. She took a sprint and dashed into the ladies restroom. As if that was going to stop me.

'You are not running from me!'

I slammed the door shut. 'What is wrong with you!' She shouted. I approached her but she tried to get away.
'No! Listen, look at me!'
'I don't wanna look at you!' She snarled. 'Well, sucks for you then!' I pushed her against the wall, forcing her to look at me. 'I don't wanna fight with you. It drives me absolutely crazy. 'You started all of this in the first place, Sideswipe.' He met my gaze. 'I know. Losing you drives me crazy. I wanna be part of your life. I want to be...' he cut himself off. 'I wanna be your boyfriend.' I blinked. 'My boyfriend?' He rubbed my face. 'I promise I'll be a good boyfriend,' he stated. 'Just... don't leave me, don't travel and bring yourself in danger.'

I locked my gaze with her. 'How—' she cut herself off. 'You found me boring. You are looking for different things in a relationship. I am not like you.' I wrapped my arms around her waist. 'I was wrong. You're not boring. You're the sweetest femme I have ever met. If I am your boyfriend, you will never regret it. I have been thinking about a lot and I can't get it off my mind.' I sighed softly. 'But you never listen. You're too stubborn and— how will that work?'

'We can make it work. Trust me.'

Skylla sucked in a breath and reached for her phone as it went off. 'I am sorry, I need to take this.' She passed and left me standing here. 'Great...' I scolded. Quite embarrassing. A girl just walked off. I ran my hand through my hair and looked at myself in the reflection of the glass door. I fragging handsome. How can she not like me?

I headed back to the hanger where I waited for Skylla, but I guess her phone call was taking a lot longer than planned or she doesn't want to face me again. I sighed. This is a complete failure. Finally a girl I really start to like and I can't get her. At least she knows I want to be her boyfriend. I am pretty sure I can be a good boyfriend for her. If she only allows me.

((Skylla's P.O.V))
I watched Sideswipe from a little distant. My boyfriend?! Sideswipe is completely out of control. Maybe I am just afraid to commit to him. I've always had a crush on him but I also know he's different then the other men. He's a party animal and so incredibly cocky. It's almost impossible for me to cooperate with him. I need to face him eventually. If I don't go, I will hurt his feelings and I will most likely ruin our friendship.

I walked off the stairs. He noticed me and stood in his full height. 'Look, Sides. I am gonna be honest... it's not a good idea. I am pretty sure there will be somewhere out there who can give you everything you want and need, but that person isn't me.'
'But I only want you. I don't want anyone else.'
'We can't...'
'Give me a change. Please.'
'You liked what I did to you, right?'

A blush spread over my cheeks. 'I know you did. It doesn't have to be the last and only time. Believe me... there are a million other things we can do. It's not about the fragging. I would do anything for you. Give me a change.' He flashed me a charming smile. 'No, Sideswipe. No is no.'
Sideswipe wasn't going to take the rejection. He doesn't know what the word 'no' means. His facial features changed to angry again. As if that will help.

'I know you want me just as badly as I want you. I will be your boyfriend, rather you like it or not. I earned it,' he snapped. I shook my head and stepped back, waving my hand to dismiss it and walked off. 'Skylla! Don't walk away from me when we're talking,' he shouted. 'It's not talking anymore, Sideswipe. You're demanding and I don't listen to that,' I snapped back. He glared daggers. He can do whatever he wants but I won't change my mind. He just needs to behave.

I walked back to my room and locked the door behind me. I kinda forgot about the ordeal and next morning I was up early. Sideswipe was up too, probably keeping an eye on me. He didn't seem to be very happy about what I said the other day. I never thought I would ever reach this point with him.
'Going somewhere? I can drop you off if you'd like.'

Sideswipe pointed at his alt-mode. 'No, I am good. Thanks.'
'Right. By the way... I saw you talking to that guy...' he trailed off. 'He's twice my age, Sideswipe. Jeez...' I scolded. 'I have to hurry.' Sideswipe slowed down. 'I love you.' I turned around to face him. 'See you around, Sideswipe.' His face dropped a little. Not the answer he had hoped for.

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