Chapter 49. Fighting

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I woke up. Sideswipe was peacefully asleep next to me, laying on his back. I rolled on my side, watching his chest softly rise and fall. I moved closer, hovering over him and laid my hand on his cheek. Sideswipe sleeps really deep. A bomb can go off and he wouldn't even notice. I traced his lips with my finger tips. Those perfect lips. I bit my lip. It's tempting to lean in and kiss him. I leaned in and pressed my lips on his. I straddled him and did it again. If I don't get kisses from him, then I will give them to him. Just a shame I don't have the guts to do it when he's awake. I nuzzled in his neck and nibbled on his skin.

'Skylla?' I felt his hands grip me. 'What's with all the missing?' He muttered sleepily. I looked up. 'You're squeezing my bladder. Can you please... move aside?' He muttered. I sighed and rolled beside him, watching his moves. 'What's the matter with you?' He mumbled, jawing. I removed my shirt and tossed it aside. 'Skylla?' He leaned on his forearms. I pressed my lips on his. 'I want it too. Please...' I straddled his chest. 'Skylla...' I pressed my lips on his again, running my hand through his scalp.

'Skylla, stop.' He pulled his head away. 'No... don't.'
'What is wrong with me? You do it with everyone, why not with me?' I whispered. I cupped his cheek. 'You're not like them,' he stated. 'Don't do this.' He pushed me aside. 'Sideswipe...' he got up. 'Then what do I need to do? Is because of the scar? You don't like it?' I slid out of bed as well. 'I can keep my shirt on...' he glanced at me. 'No, we are not going to do it in general, that's what I am saying.'

'Why not?'
'Because you're not like them.' He turned and disappeared in the bathroom, leaving me behind. I looked like an idiot in front of him now. I grabbed a bra and pulled it on. He didn't say anything to me and just left. He really didn't like me. Everything he said was a lie. I got up and dressed up before heading towards the cafeteria.

I turned my head as I walked in. Reed was with him again. I felt a wave of rage and jealously wash over. I didn't had a second thought as I lunged for her, slamming her into a table. We rolled over the ground. I felt two strong hands grab me and pulling me away. 'Skylla! Stop.' Mirage held me back. Blood dripped down my face and my stomach had probably reopened again. Sideswipe held Reed back. 'Crazy bitch!' She yelled. 'Then stay away from him!' I screamed back. 'Skylla, come on. Come.' Mirage pulled me away.

'You're bleeding again. You need to see Ratchet,' the spy sighed, embracing me. 'Ignorant fool, that's what he is!' I hissed, my voice laced with anger and jealously. 'Yup, I know, but this won't help. Come on.'

This time, my belly was hurting. A lot. That stupid bitch had punched me right in the guts. I expected Rat het to be really mad, but he wasn't. He just told me to sit down and waved Mirage off to wait for me outside. 'You're fighting now too?' He asked. He removed some blood from my face. 'I didn't mean too... it was impulsive and stupid. They're already talking behind my back and now...' I sighed.

'I am the crazed witch, huh?'
'Just in love I guess. They say love makes you blind.'
'I am asking for trouble.'

He smirked a little bit. 'You anticipated on that bet too, didn't you?' I mocked. 'Everyone did. I am the right track of winning so...' I gave him a look. 'It's not helping me making me feel better,' I mocked. 'It was really embarrassing this morning so, I don't see anything happen. He's probably mad at me anyway,' I scolded. 'What did you do?' I caught his eyes. 'He rejected me. He's the first guy I actually feel comfortable with and he rejects me...' he ohh'ed and eyed me. 'Sucker.' I smiled and looked down at my lap.

There was a knock on the door. Sideswipe slowly walked in and shut the door behind him. I gazed at Ratchet. 'You're okay?' Sideswipe mumbled. 'She's fine. I have to stitch her again, but she's fine.' I laid down. 'Why? Why did you do that for?' Sideswipe asked. 'Oh for Primus sake! Why do you think she did it?! She fragging loves you and all you do is being a whore and make out with other girls while you got the right girl in front of you the entire time!'

I avoided Sideswipe's eyes. 'It's my job to fight over you, not other way around.' he grumbled. 'You don't like me.'
'Could you leave alone for a second, Ratch?' He turned away and walked off. 'You rejected me this morning, so why do you care now?' I asked. 'You're not like them. You don't deserve something quick. If I wanna do it with you, I want it to be special. I want you to feel comfortable and I want you to fully trust me. I want it to be different...'

He cupped my cheek. 'I love you...' I whispered. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my lips. 'Can I finally call you my boyfriend?' I whispered against his lips. He sat down on the edge of the medical bed. 'Yeah... you can.' I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Took you long enough,' I grumbled in his neck. He nuzzled his nose with mine. 'Do you wanna make that clear to other girls as well?' He smiled. 'Gosh, I love it when you're jealous?' He purred near my ear. I shot him a glare. 'It's cute. Do you really think I want Reed? She's meaner than Starscream.'

'You did it to make me jealous! You jackass!' I slapped him. 'Sometimes, a guy gotta do what a guy gotta do. There's only one girl I chase and that's you.' He poked my nose gently. 'You better are.'
'I am loyal. Especially to you. You won't see me near another girl. I promise.'

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