Chapter 7. Boring stuff

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The party was one big disaster. I had drunken so much that I couldn't stop throwing over. Apprently, they had poured some really strong alcohol in my soda. I leaned against the tree, throwing over. Wave after wave until my throat and stomach were burning. They laughed. I turned to look at Stacy for a moment. 'I thought you said you could handle alcohol,' she laughed. I rubbed my head and got up, stumbling towards the parking lot. I saw Skyla standing there, leaning against my alt-mode. What was she doing here?

'Come on, hop in,' she sighed and pointed at the passenger seat. She snitched the keys from my hand and hopped in. I felt so sick, I wasn't goint to protest. She started my engine and drove off. 'What are you doing here?' I slurred. 'Waiting for you,' she replied, glancing at me. 'Why?' I asked. 'Because I knew it was going to end in a disaster,' she said while hitting the road. 'How did you know that?' I asked. She glanced at me, 'Because I know these type of people. They don't care about you and all they do is drinking,' she replied. She parked me in the hanger. 'You are a mess, Sideswipe,' she said, turning towards me. I rubbed my head. 'I feel so sick.'

She sighed and hopped out, helping me stand. 'Who is who's gardian now, huh?' Ratchet scoffed, sitting me down. 'I feel sicks,' I whimpered. 'Did you take any drugs?' he asked. I couldn't tell, perhaps they poured more in my drink. Skyla lifted my head. 'I think he does have some drugs in his systems,' she said. Ratchet took me to the medbay. 'Can you take some energon from him?' Skyla grabbed the syringe and sat down on the stool next the bed. She did it quick and painless, unlike some other humans who ever took some Energon from me. 'Where did you learn that?' I asked. 'Ratchet, I help the Autobots quite a lot,' she replied. I ohh'ed and curled up. 'Was it worth to get sick?' she asked. 'No...'

Skyla didn't reply and turned away from me. 'Thanks for bringing me back to the base,' I mumbled with closed eyes. 'I think I am your guardian instead of otherway around,' she mocked. I smiled while she looked at me. 'You are always so nice...' I mumbled. 'Unless you piss me off,' she replied. 'Yeah...' I muttered mostly to myself. Ratchet strode in. 'Let's give him a water infuse to get the toxin out and a catheter.' My eyes snapped open. 'What?' I asked. Skyla grabbed a few things. 'You will be out for a good twelve hours and I am not going to clean up your pee,' he said and threw me a medical gown. I was deeply ashamed. I glanced at Skyla. 'I won't look,' she said and rolled her eyes. I looked at Ratchet. 'That what you get, now undress,' he snapped. I flinched and started to take off my clothing. Skyla sat back down on the stool, giving me a infuse. 'Can't you talk to him?' I whispered. She glanced at me. 'It's not as painful as you think it is. Just relax,' she said.

Ratchet lifted the gown and my face turned a bright red. Skyla was still not facing as she previously did and I didn't want her to see me like this either. I uttered a yelp and jumped. 'Could you just stop moving.' Skyla turned around and attached a huge bag of water to my infuse. I now understood why Ratchet decided to torture me like this. Ratchet just started casually telling her things how to do the procedure, like he forgot I was here. Skyla listened carefully. As Ratchet finished, he covered me up again. I glanced at Skyla as she bend over. 'Why so shy? You don't have anything to be shy about,' she whispered. I took that a compliment I guess. Ratchet gave me two injections and after that, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the bag of water was empty and I felt slightly better. Ratchet looked up. 'Look who's awake,' he scoffed. I groaned. 'Can you remove the things from my spike... I am completely done with it,' I scowled. Ratchet laughed devilishly and approached. 'You know what I think?' he asked. 'No...' I flunched as Ratchet slammed his clipboard onto the metal table beside me. 'You only intend to use Skyla! She has all the reason to just let you down and yet she doesn't. I think that pisses me off the most. Instead, you hang out with girls that did this to you! That so called 'girfriend' of yours, created this situation because you are too blind to see the truth! Skyla on the other hand has been friendly to you since the beginning and trying to make you see the reality. It your ego? Or just your stupidity,' he spat. I flinched. 'Skyla everything but boring... she's always busy and working. She has more knowledge about Cybertron and Cybertronians than you do,' he snapped.

Ratchet is freaking scary when he's mad. 'Even the fact that she decided to wait for you the other day, walked all the way to where you were, brought you back and that after what you have done to her,' he snapped. 'Every mech would be more than pleased to have her as her charge and you treat her like trash. She has been through a lot herself, Sideswipe! You are not the only one with a trauma. Stop acting like a childish fraghead and be nice to her or I swear–' I flinched again. 'Be nice,' he snapped, pointing at me. 'The message is clear,' I murmured. 'Good, next time I will not be friendly,' he snapped. He swept the covers aside and removed the thing from my spike, which was a huge relief. As soon as he had removed the infuse as well, I dressed up and got out of the medbay as quickly as possibly, shying away in the room that had been given to me when I first got here.

I was so ashamed and I never felt this before. What would Skyla think of me now? I showered and sat down in the showerstall, leaning against the wall and pulled my knees higher up. My spike felt a little sore honestly. I could even feel humiliation. I buried my face in my knees and shut my eyes, listening to the water falling down on my body.

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