Chapter 9. Can I borrow some money?

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I don't know if my relationship with Sideswipe got much better. Sure he understands more about me but he's obsessed with this girl Stacy for some reason, even after what she did to him. I was at the park and spotted Sideswipe. He was showing off his muscles and talking endlessly. Much like I've seen him interact with Annabel. He's just sweet, adorable self he unfortunately, doesn't show very often. '...Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me for a weekend. I know a good place,' Sideswipe offered but there didn't came much excitement from Stacy's side.
'I am actually really busy,' she said. 'Right, and you can't make some time for me?' Sideswipe asked, smiling. 'Sorry.'

I petted the dog I was walking. I usually walk three to four dogs on Tuesday for old people who are struggling but don't want to lose their pet. 'Dinner? Shall I take you out for dinner on Friday?' Sideswipe continued. Stacy looked on her phone and sighed. 'Alright fine,' she said. Sideswipe leaned in for a kiss but he got none. The girl turned around and walked off. 'Alright, I'll text you...'

The mech sighed before he spotted me. 'What are you doing here?' He asked. 'Walking these dogs,' I said. Sideswipe seemed puzzled. 'Every Tuesday I walk them. Some people can't take them out due to their age or any other health problem. They don't want to get rid of them so I help them out.'
'How many jobs do you have?' He asked. I got up and shrugged, 'too many I guess.' Sideswipe hummed. 'You heard what she said?' He asked. 'Only a part.'

'She does love me, okay! She's only busy with college,' he snorted. 'Of course.' He studied my face. 'Anyway, I probably should be going by now,' I said and passed. 'Could I... join you?' He asked. I gave a small nod and handed him two leases. 'Do you earn a lot of money?' He questioned. 'I don't get paid at the base, I just love to help. For my model work, 13 dollar per hour,' I said. 'And how many shoots do you have?' He asked. 'A lot.' Sideswipe hummed. 'Could I borrow some money?'

I raised a brow. 'How much are we talking about?' I asked. '$250,—.' I wasn't too sure about it. 'For what do you need it?' I asked. 'To go out for dinner.' I sighed. 'I don't know, Sideswipe...' the mech pouted. 'Come on, please. I will pay you back and I'll be forever grateful,' he stated. I glanced at him, 'I will pay you back,' he added. I shook my head, 'you don't even have money to pay me back,' I said. 'Yeah, not yet but I will,' he stated.

I wasn't sure how he was even going to pay me back but I didn't want him to start yelling again. I brought the dogs back and paid Sideswipe 250 dollars, even I wasn't sure if I would ever get it back. 'Great, thank you,' he said, walking off with a happy face. I sighed and headed for my room. 'You look tired,' I looked at Prime. 'Ugh, it's fine.' Optimus embraced me. 'How's it going with Sideswipe?' He asked. 'Hard, but I think we are making some process I don't know.' He hummed. 'One moment we are fine and the next moment he's freaking out and telling.'

Prime sighed. 'At least you're making some process. I just hope that along the way his attitude will change and he gets more cooperative. Right now, I can't even ask him the simpelers thing or I get a cheeky and rude answer. I can't do anything with that mech and it makes everyone cranky. I thought it was because of his brother, Sunstreaker. They're twins and he misses him a lot. I thought that maybe with a friend he would calm down.'

'He has a brother? How long have they been separated?' I asked. 'Thousands of years. I think he feels kinda lost without him. Perhaps the reason why he's seeking attention because he feels lonely,' he said. 'Plus, Sunstreaker was always the one to keep him in check and makes sure he does whatever he needs to do. Sunstreaker is a very dominant and rude mech but he does everything I ask. For twins, they're completely different. Sideswipe has always been the lame one of the two. Sunstreaker spoiled him too much I guess.'

That was interesting story. 'Hmmm.' I thought about it. Perhaps that's the main issue here. Optimus said me goodbye and I headed back to my room. Tomorrow was an interesting day as well, I was going to apply for a new job at a local restaurant. I took a warm shower before laying in bed.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
I sat on my bed, looking at a photo of my brother. Every evening, I would talk to him. A lost tear rolled down my cheek and I felt the photo against my chest. Primus I missed that mech. I've been trying to find him, but I failed. Most mission I go on without telling anyone is to investigate. I am not going to give up. He must be out there somewhere. I just had no idea where.

I laid down, curling up and placed the photo next to me on the nightstand. Sunny is a strong mech and I know he'll be fine but I missed him so horribly much. I shut my eyes focusing on our bond. There was no warmth I used to feel. I sighed softly and opened my eyes staring at the photo again before curling up and falling asleep.

Skyla is right, I am a mess. With that thought, I fell asleep. The next morning I got up at 12 AM and spotted Skyla. She had done her hair nicely, make-up like she was ready to go out or something. 'Where are you going?' I asked. 'Applying for a job,' she said. 'Again?' I asked. 'I got fired, remember?' She asked. 'I earned quite good so...' she trailed off. 'Come on, you're a model and walk these dogs,' I said. 'Perhaps you should find a job so you can pay me back,' she said and walked off.

'Pay you back?'

I flinched and turned around. Prowl narrowed his optics. 'I narrowed some money,' I said casually. 'Yeah, how much?' He asked. '250.' Prowl growled. 'How are you going to pay her back?' He snapped. 'I—' I cut myself off. 'You don't work for your money so how are you going to pay her back?' He snapped. 'I will pay her back,' I snapped. Prowl grabbed me and slammed me against a pillar. I uttered a groan. 'Have you spent it yet?' He asked. 'No, it's for tomorrow,' he muttered. 'You're going to give it back and work for your money or you don't borrow a damn thing. Clear?'

I snorted, 'she agreed!' Prowl tightened his grip. 'How am I supposed to take girls out?' He snapped. ''

'I can't. I promised Stacy to take her out for dinner tomorrow. She wants to spent time with me,' I said. 'Unbelievable,' he snapped and let me go. 'You're the biggest loser on Cybertron. Do you know that we have discussed to sent you away from earth?' My eyes widened. 'What?' Prowl crossed his arms. 'I advised Prime to sent you away from earth,' he repeated. 'Why? You can't do that. I serve Prime,' I snapped. 'Do you?' He snapped. 'Prime would never go through with that,' I scowled. 'He did. He agreed with me and so did Ironhide, Jazz and Que. We are done with you. We don't want you here anymore.'
Prowl snorted and stormed off.

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