Chapter 18. She was damn right

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Skylla had been right. Stacy dumped my ass. She blocked me on social media and told me through WhatsApp that she doesn't ever want to see me again. As a mech, it hurt to be dumped that way. 'Why that sad face?' I looked up at my charge. She sat down in front of me. 'You were right...' I muttered while stirring with my spoon the cup of soup. 'Stacey dumped me. She has a better mech,' I mumbled. 'Also a temporary guy, Sideswipe. People like her don't stick to one person,' she stated. I glanced at her. 'How's it going between you and that human?' I muttered. 'Good.'

I folded my hands. 'Are you busy tonight? I don't want to spent the evening alone again,' I sighed. Just by the look on her face I saw she already had plans. 'You know, forget about it. You already have plans,' I sulked. 'I am going to Sam. Why don't you come along?' I asked. 'Is your sparkmate coming?' She shook her head. 'No.'

'Come on, handsome. Where's my stubborn mech?' She teased and softly nudged me with her foot. A weak smile crept up on my face. 'Handsome?' I asked. My smile changed into a smirk. 'You're handsome, right?' She asked. 'Are you flirting?' I purred. 'I suck at flirting.'

'I don't think you suck at flirting. It's cute and I regret not getting to know you better because your amazing and I really adore you.' She blushed madly. 'Uhm, thanks,' she said shyly. 'I am serious about. I am not joking, I really feel like I can clear my spark and you won't make fun of me,' I said. She smiled. 'You make me feel better. If you didn't had a sparkmate, I would've asked you to go out with me.' She blushed again. 'Would you have said yes?' I asked after a silence. She was taken back. 'Y-yeah. I would've said yes,' she said shyly.

'You know... if you'd like, we can still... do that.'

'Sideswipe...' I cut her off. 'I know, you have a boyfriend, I get it but, as friends. Away from the base, just you and me for an evening,' I said. She hesitated. 'Tomorrow?' She gave a small nod. 'Alright, just as friends,' I promised. 'Alright,' she flashed me a smile. I ate my soup and she ate her sandwich. I couldn't help but looking at chest. She was wearing this hot twisted cut out croptop. I felt my body heat up and pressed my thighs together. She sat back and I had a nice view of her toned stomach. She noticed and looked at me. 'What's the matter with you?'

I cleared my throat. 'Nothing, just thinking,' I said. She raised a brow. 'Thinking about what?' She mocked. 'Nothing.' She snorted. 'You were thinking about nothing?' She asked. I looked down at the table and cleared my throat. 'You were thinking naughty things. That's what you were thinking,' she stated. My eyes went wide and I hated the blush spreading over my cheeks. 'No, I wasn't.' She looked up. 'I wasn't. I swear...'

'You're blushing madly.'

'I just haven't had a good frag for a long time... that's all.' She hummed and got up. 'I wasn't thinking anything naughty.' She looked over the table. 'Your spike says something else.' She patted my shoulder and walked off. Great. I sighed and rubbed my face.

((Skylla's P.O.V))
Sideswipe acted weird. It's nothing for him to feel embarrassed. I kept an eye on him. He was mostly flirting with girls and I somewhere, deep down felt satisfied they didn't want to talk to him. It made me feel bad. Why would I feel that way? I shook my head,— trying to brush it off. I focused back on my work until I felt two strong arms wrap around me. 'What are you doing?' Sideswipe sighed and rested his chin on my head. 'I am bored and I need sex.' I snorted. 'I can't help you with your second problem.'

'You can—' I nudged him. 'Fine...' he growled. 'Why does no one want to talk to me?' He asked. 'Seriously, you're wondering why?' I mocked. 'Hey, I am a nice mech.' He poked me. 'Not always, Sideswipe. You're a trouble maker. People here don't like trouble makers.' He snorted, obviously insulted. 'I am trying my best. About earlier, I am sorry I reacted so weird. You just look really good.'

A shiver ran down my spine. My boyfriend tells me that so many times, but when Sideswipe says it, I get this feeling. This strange feeling I can't explain. His hot breath fanned down my neck. 'About that dinner...' he trailed off. 'My gosh, Sideswipe. I am trying to work here.'
'I am trying to talk. I can't stop thinking about it,' he purred. 'You need to stop. Do something about your high testosterone because it drives me nuts.' I pushed him away. 'Me too,' he sulked. 'There are 'other' options you can try. You don't need a girl to help you out.' He gave me a look. 'It works better...'

I ignored. 'I am just saying—' I cut him off. 'We are not a couple and I've to go. So, good luck with your testosterone.' I passed him. I caught up with Mark. 'What did he want from you?' He asked,— cocking his head to the side. 'Attention. Everything is about attention.' Mark rolled his eyes. 'Dump him, Skylla. I told before that you're better off without that loser.'

Sideswipe is everything but a loser and I adored him. I don't what it is but I adore him. Once you get to know him and open your heart for this stubborn and arrogant mech,
You can't get it over your heart or ignoring him. Beside, I am stuck with him. He's my guardian, even though it sometimes feels that I am his guardian instead. He doesn't have any responsibility. I glanced at Sideswipe again. He was flirting with someone of the ICT. She wasn't taking the bait either. She passed him, not even cutting him off. She just walked off.  Stunned, Sideswipe turned around and followed her with his eyes. It's gonna be a long day...

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