Chapter 51. Excitement

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'Where have you been?'

Sideswipe's bumper softly touched my legs. 'I was looking for you. We need to talk.' He transformed and scooped me up. 'Talking about...?' He trailed off. 'What do you think? I went to the mall for some ideas. I have several options for the wall. I was just thinking about keeping it white and one wall this blue-grayish color. It's really beautiful. I have some samples I want to show you and.... I have some ideas for our bedrooms.'


'I know, I know. I know what your wishes are and I have some pictures and ideas. I kept it my head. I've also seen a really nice couch. You're a tall mech but I think you will love it. We can have a look somewhere next week. Oh, and there's another house. More an apartment. You didn't want a big house so I've been digging the internet for some apartments. I've found some really good options. There's no garage for you but—' he cut me off. 'Skylla, Skylla...' he wheeled towards the other hanger. 'Don't you think we are rushing?' He asked.

'Rushing?' I repeated. He nodded. 'I uh... you think we are moving in too fast?' I asked. 'Yeah... this is week one that we are dating. Sounds a little fast to me,' he trailed off. 'I thought this is what you wanted too. You said you liked it... you agreed to it.' He placed me on the hallway. 'I know... it's just—' he vented. 'A bad idea.' She snorted. 'Okay, well... then you don't move in. I mean... we share a room but it you don't want to move in... means I can make the house how I want it. Then you stay here...' I turned around. 'Skylla! Come on... we are happy here—'

'No!' I turned around. 'You are happy here. Surrounded by girls. It's your heaven... not mine. I am not gonna wait for you, I won't let you ruin this for me again. You're part of my life and I've to discuss things major with you and I did. I am gonna buy a house with or without you. I won't stay at this base for the rest of my life.' His doorwings trembled a little. 'I am still the mech... I make the decisions.'

'Excuse me?!' I spat out. 'I don't give a damn shit that you're a mech or alien. That you even have the guts to bring that up. My god!' He vented again. 'Baby... I love you... it's just—' I cut him off. 'I won't let you ruin this for me again. Just stop talking before more bullshit comes out.' I waved my hand and stormed off.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))

'Dude! What the hell are you doing?!'

I leaned in the air. 'Spying on me again?' I snapped. 'That's your girl? This is even worse than a soap series. How can you do this? She's willing to buy a house for the both of you. She's making plans and you're turning it down?! What is wrong with you?!' I sighed. 'Seriously... now I have to give a bad update.' I narrowed my optics. 'Excuse me? To who?' I snapped. 'What do you think? Everyone wants to know how this is gonna turn out,' he mocked. 'It's a private matter. This is something between us, not between the entire base,' I snapped.

'Would you like it if I dig into your damn life? Tell everyone all the private stuff you're trying to keep from other people? Yeah, maybe I should tell them about that mech... what was his name again? Back on Cybertron when I caught the both of you in the storage facility of the ark. I am pretty sure people would love to know about that,' I snapped. 'Okay, okay... I am sorry.' I snorted. 'Stay out of our business. Say one word and I'll make your life a living hell? Are we on the same page now?'

He nodded. 'Good, that bet was already had enough. It's absolutely disgusting,' I hissed before transforming and driving off. I bought some flowers in town. I had to make it up to her somehow and I googled red roses would do the trick.
She was in 'our' shared room, looking through her computer. 'Hey...' she didn't look up. 'I know your mad. I responded like an ass and I am sorry.' She looked up. 'I got you some flowers. I don't want to fight with you.' She took them from me. 'You're right, we would get our own place.' I sat beside her on the bed.

'But you got so many idea and I can't help you pay for it,' I mumbled. 'If you feel so guilty about it... why don't you start doing something? No fragging for money, I mean a real job.' I sighed softly. 'Still, I won't be able to—'
'It's not the point, Sideswipe. We can figure something out. I already knew you wouldn't be able to help pay the rent or any bills. I mad because you use your gender to dominate me. Am I a joke to you?' I snapped. 'N-no. Of course not. Baby, I am sorry. It was wrong... I shouldn't have said what I said. Could you please look at me.'

She turned her gaze. 'I love you, alright? There are just some worries... that's all. Not only financially... my brother, he will freak out. I had hoped he would be here by now. I want him to kinda agree...' I trailed off. 'Agree? You're a grown mech, you can make your own choices. Isn't that what you're always telling everyone?' She snapped and got up. 'It's complicated. My brother is just—' I cut myself off. 'Difficult. My brother is difficult and different from all the other mechs at the base.'

She snorted. 'I don't care, Sideswipe. I am gonna do this anyway. I don't need you.' She waved her hand. 'Show me the samples you took. Show them.' She placed the flowers in a vase. 'Come on, baby.' She opened the drawer and pulled out the samples. I pulled her on my lap. 'I swear, if you ever use your gender again...'

I didn't know how my brother did it. Being so dominant and getting people to actually listen. They never listen to me, they just find me highly annoying. She knows what she wants and she wants it with me. Before I just used to sleep all day, go to parties and stuff and adapting to this new life is a bit of a challenge. I know she'll give me chores and for the first time in my life, I felt guilty for not doing it.

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