Chapter 11. I'd like it if you get up now

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I groaned waking up. Pain filled my body. Skyla ran her hand over through my hair.  'Who's looking after who, huh?' She whispered. I wasn't in the mood to get teased but I guessed she was trying to cheer me up. She was surprisingly worried. I hadn't expect a human to be this worried about me. Right off the start, she was there for me and I ignored her all those time.  I whimpered as I moved. 'Don't move,' she murmured. I laid my head back down and used her arms as I pillow and source of comfort.

The medic strode in, shaking his head. 'It wasn't my fault,' I said. 'It's us your fault because if you were nice from the beginning, none of this would've happened. In fact, none of us is facing this damn problem,' he snapped. 'Ratchet, please... don't yell at him. He already feels miserable enough.' The medic growled de and waved his hand. 'You'd better listen or I will not help you a anymore,' he snapped. Skyla rolled my eyes and looked at me. 'I don't want that thing in my spike again,' I muttered.

She smiled and kissed my forehead. A shiver ran down my spine in delight. 'Just go to sleep, alright?' I nodded while she stepped back. She walked off and I was left alone with Ratchet. 'You're so lucky with he. Honestly, without her—' Ratchet cut himself off and left. 'Yeah, without her I wouldn't be here,' I muttered to myself and made myself comfortable. Ratchet hadn't asked me I was in pain or not. Now I had to try to sleep with pain.

((Skyla's P.O.V))
I was pissed that they just hurt him so much. He's not allowed to do it but the same thing counts for the humans. I was only able to shake my head while heading for the main hanger. Mark approached. 'You're okay?' He asked. 'Yeah, I am fine but Sideswipe isn't,' I scowled. He wrapped his arm around me. 'You know... you're right. They shouldn't have done what they did but Sideswipe is fine now, right?'

'Sort off,' I muttered. He led me further into the hanger. 'He's asleep now so tomorrow he'll be wandering around and making fuzz's'.' I sighed again. 'Come on, he's a tough mech. He'll be fine,' he added. I quietly agreed and started chatting. He was right though, over the next few days, Sideswipe started to feel better, although, he was more limping than really walking. The people however started to get meaner and meaner. The main reason he shied away in his room. 

I walked up to his door and knocked before walking in. He was laying bed, snoozing. 'Sideswipe? It's 1:20 PM.' He hummed and slightly opened his eyes. 'I know,' he muttered. 'Shouldn't you get up?' I asked. 'Nope. I am actually quite comfy,' he said and shut his eyes again. My eyes landed on his muscular bare back. All this muscles, it gave me a shiver. I felt the urge to ran my hand over his back and feel them but that would be inappropriate. He also had nicely shaped arms. There isn't much he does but he loves training.

'Hmm, boring.'

He glanced at me before rolling on his back. I had a good view of his abs and chest. A nicely strongly visible eight pack. 'Boring?' He asked and folded his arms behind his head. 'Yes, you told me I was boring all you do is laying in bed,' I said. He rolled his eyes. 'I am just resting. Ratchet told me to rest,' he stated. I snorted and sat on the edge. 'You're lazy.' He hummed and didn't seem bothered so I guess he accepted it.

The mech glanced at me. 'Or you can lay here with me,' he said. 'Hmm, no. I have better things to do,' I said. 'Alright, you can go now,' he said, closing his eyes. I put my hands on my hips. 'Come on, Sideswipe! Get up.' He ignored my demand. I marched over to the side of the bed. 'Get up!'
'Make me, he challenged. I swept the sheets away. 'You're naked?!' I threw the covers back over his body while Sideswipe was laughing his ass off. 'Sideswipe honestly—' my face turned a bright red. 'What? It's not like you haven't seen me before,' he said lazily. 'Sideswipe why are you naked?'

'One because I sleep like this and secondly, I was busy with myself last night,' he said. 'That's too much information. I am gonna go,' I said and turned around. 'Look who's embarrassed now, huh?' He laughed. I snorted. 'I am not embarrassed. I was shocked— more surprised,' I sulked.  'Ah, right.' Sideswipe smirked at me. 'Just for the record, it's not my fault. You decided to remove the covers so...' he trailed off. 'You could've said something,' I exclaimed. Sideswipe pointed at his underwear next the bed before throwing it my way. 'There's your warning,' he mocked.

'And when did you wash this?' I asked.

'Six days ago.' I dropped it. 'Sideswipe, that's just gross,' I scowled and crossed my arms. I looked around the room. Everything was a mess, clothing everywhere. 'I don't do my own laundry,' he said. 'Then who does it?' I asked. 'People I pay for it but I am not really poplar anymore so...'
I gave him a look. 'You love jobs, right?'

'You still need to pay me 250 dollars back, remember? You have nothing to pay me with,' I said. Sideswipe sat up, leaning on both his arms. 'I can pay you with something else if you'd like.' I raised a brow. 'No! No.'
'What are you talking about, I meant driving you around town of course,' he said. I crossed my arms and gave him a look. 'Sure you did. Now get up and hurry,' I said, clapping my hands. 'Why this rush?' He asked. I turned around as he swept the covers aside. I felt him behind me. 'Well?' He asked. His voice was close to my ear. I shivered and closed my eyes as he softly touched my arms with his fingers tips.

Goosebumps started to form all over my arms. 'Is it worth to get up?' He whispered. 'I'd like it if you show yourself a little bit more,' I mumbled. Sideswipe wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. A smile stretched onto my lips. 'Alright mr. mischief, I will see you later and give you some privacy,' I mumbled. 'Sure.' He kissed my cheek before letting go of me. Without glancing at him, I left.

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