Chapter 60. Truth

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I felt so sore. Sideswipe surely did a good job this morning. He sat across of me, eating as if he hadn't eaten in years. 'What are you thinking? Another around?' I huffed, poking in my own food. I did want a rematch. Try a few things he might like, but tiredness wrecked me and mood was pressed by tomorrow's activities. I couldn't keep calling myself sick and I also knew I had to tell Sideswipe about Jazz's training session before he would figure it out himself. 'You can't get mad at me.' He perked his head up, blinking. 'What?'
'You can't get mad at me for what I'm about to tell you.' He nodded slowly, setting his fork down. The amusement had faded and he now watched me lethal sharp eyes. The once that belonged the ex-gladiator. 'About the work-outs... they were work-outs but also like— basic stuff.' He cocked a brow. 'Basic fighting stuff, so I can defend myself,' I tried, picking my words carefully. It was rare to see him eerily calm and serious. I watched him closely and slowly, I saw his face turn into rage. 'You promised not to get angry.'

I heard his knuckles crack as he curled his fingers into a first. 'I believe I was clear.' His voice whetted into a sharp edge. Something I had never heard or seen on him before. This was not up for debate. 'Just to defend myself. After what happened... I don't always want to rely on you.' Not a complete lie nor the truth. His lips curled back in a silent snarl. Despite the fact that this was the first time I saw him this angry, he did look hot in this state. 'So every time you sneak out...' he trailed off, eyes flickering red for a few seconds. He'd once told me the red eyes usually belong to Sunstreaker. 'Like I said, just the basic stuff.'

His fist slammed into the table and he jumped. 'I said no!' He roared. My eyes went wide in shock and I could only stare at him. 'You can do whatever you want, except that.' He pointed at me. I had never seen him this angry before. 'Then you teach me self defense.' He narrowed his eyes. 'My protection isn't enough? You think I can't keep you from danger!' She flinched. 'That's not what I said; just for when you're not around.' He walked around the table and I jumped up. He pinned me to the wall, eyes flickering with menace. 'That.' He lowered his head, his hot breath tickling my neck. 'Will never happen again.'

My knees wobbled at the possessive tune in his voice. I doubted he ever acted to anyone human like this. His lips ghosted over my neck to my collar bone. 'You're mine. Just mine, only mine.' He claimed my mouth, hands planted against the wall behind me. My hands gripped his waist. The curves of those muscles deepened as he stepped closer. 'Even if I would allow it, no other male than me or my twin will teach you.' My throat bobbed. This is not the mech I met months ago. 'You are possessive.' He licked my throat. 'I like what is mine.' She shivered. That touch nearly made her explode. My toes curled as he licked my neck again. Taunting and slow. I couldn't help but lean into that touch. He shifted and his lips brushed over my ear. 'No more.' I groaned at the tune in his voice. 'There are...' he pressed a few kisses in my neck. '... other things I'd like to teach you though.' I met his gaze. 'I bet you do.' He grinned and kissed me. 'It's your job now to keep me satisfied.'

I knew he was changing the subject, but played along anyway. 'If you're a good mech.' He gave me a feral grin. 'You're the one who disobeyed me.' I snorted and pushed him away and walked back towards the table. I'm serious about it. No more.' There was no space for debate. I sat back down while Sideswipe came up behind me. His hot breath fanned down my neck. 'Got it?'
'Yeah, yeah.' He buried his face in my neck. 'Good.' After one more kiss, he sat down, continuing eating.

After supper, we cleaned and settled on the couch. I ran my hand lazily over his abs, playing with his belly button. He shivered once in a while as I teasingly moved to the waistband of his training pants. 'Are you going to work tomorrow?'
I don't want too, but I didn't had much choice. 'Yeah, unless you want to... work out tonight.' He smirked and smoothed his shirt back down to my annoyance. 'Hmm, didn't you had enough play time?' I rolled my eyes and rested my head back on his shoulder.

I sneaked my hand under his shirt again. Not that he minded. The attention he got only fed his ego. I leaned in and pressed some kisses on those ridiculous shaped abs. He flexed them for me. Show off. I moved my lips closer to the vee that disappeared below the waistband of his pants. My hand softly moved over his muscled thigh and I let my fingers explore every curve of muscle below the black fabric. Even his inner thigh.

I earned a low, delightful hum as I continued,— teasingly exploring his body. It was clear he had never received attention like this before. No one ever took the opportunity to explore his body. I moved to his hip and felt him shudder as I dragged my tongue over his ribs. 'Fucking hell,' he cursed, voice low and lustful. His shirt was pulled up far enough for me to see his nipples. I played with them, twirling my tongue around them before catching his lips. His eyes dimmed and the muscles below me tensed as I sucked on his lower lip,— his back arching into my touch.

'So sensitive,' I purred near his ear before kissing his jawline back to his mouth. My hands never left his body during the tour. As I pulled back, he stared at me with dark eyes. My hands rubbed through his hair, over his scalp in a loving way. 'Perhaps you can call yourself sick again tomorrow so you can give me more of this attention.' I chuckled and flicked his nose softly. 'Hmm, maybe I will.'

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