Chapter 45. Mistake

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Sideswipe gently put me down in the bathroom. The medbay had a few bathrooms. 'I am gonna get a towel.' He turned and walked off. He was back even before I could turn on the shower. 'Got you also some shampoo. Not the best but it'll do.' He flashed me a smile before closing the door. He dropped the towel in the sink and brushed my hair away from my back. He untied the back and gently pushed it off my shoulders. 'Don't get shy on me now, huh?' He teased. I snorted and nudged him with my elbow. He removed the gown and dropped it in the sink. He gently turned me around. 'You are so beautiful.' He caressed my cheek.

A blush crept up on my face. 'I should be the only one to see you like this.' His other arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer against his chest. 'You know that I don't blame you, right? What happened is not your fault.'
'I know, but I feel like if I came with you I could've prevented it,' he sighed. I shook my head. 'No, couldn't have prevented the shooting. Only that my ex hadn't kidnapped me to get you.'

He sighed and released me. 'Come on.' He passed and turned off the water. I stepped under and watched him sit down on the toilet seat. 'Don't stare at me. It's awkward.' A smirk crept up on his face. 'I actually enjoy the view...' I rolled my eyes and washed my hair. 'I can shower on my own. I am not helpless,' I muttered. 'No, but you've had major surgery and almost died. I wasn't there to save you so the least I can do is make sure you recover well. Don't get cocky because you know I am ten times worse. I will get my way anyway.'
'I know... just sayin' I could.' He did t reply and fiddled with his hands. 'Do you wanna talk about what got you so mad earlier?' He shook his head. 'No.' Sometimes I wish I could look into his head.

I stumbled and felt a little light headed. Two firm hands grabbed me. 'That's why I am here. Your blood pressure is low due to blood loss.' He washed the shampoo from my hair and helped me dry before returning me to the medbay. He gently laid me down and covered me up. 'Get some sleep, okay?' I nodded and curled up.

A few days later I was discharged from the medbay. There was an incoming trauma and Ratchet needed the room. I was good enough to recover in my own room. Sideswipe had helped me changed hospital outfit into my PJ. He laid down beside me on his stomach and wrapped his arms around my pillow. 'Gosh I hate the medbay,' he muttered. 'You're not the one laying in a hospital bed.'

'Those chars are far worse. You got a nice bed and I had this hard wooden chair. I've spend hours on that chair, even at night so I could watch you and now my butt and back hurts.' I ran my hand up and down over his back. He watched me. 'What is going on in that dirty mind of yours?' I mocked. He scooter closer and wrapped one arm carefully around me. 'You need cuddles?'

'No, you need them of course.' I snorted and rubbed his head. 'You're my cover up... I can nap all day and everyone thinks I am taking care of you.' I nudged him. 'I only let you nap because I know you haven't had much sleep.'
'Yeah?' He sat up and removed his socks and pants before crawling under the quilt. 'Good, because I am exhausted.' He made himself comfortable. '

I pressed a kiss on his shoulder. 'Sure... get some sleep.' He hummed and fell asleep a few seconds later. He's arrogant and selfish sometimes but I love him more then anything else in the world.
I turned on the TV and watched a movie while Sideswipe was having a very long nap. Or power nap as he likes to call them. They're too long to be a power naps.

The next day, Sideswipe had to meet Optimus for something. He had told me strictly not to do anything stupid. I wasn't planning on leaving my room, but I did wanted to take a warm bath. I slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom, filling the bathtub.
I sat down and watched the water getting higher.Baths are so relaxing. I also had some candy bars, which I had kept in my night stand and Sideswipe hadn't found them yet.

After an hour, the water turning cold and I knew Sideswipe would be back soon. I tried to get up but slipped and fell quite hard back into the tub. I knew by an instant I had ripped my stitches. The water was turning red rather quickly and the pain was intense. Sideswipe is gonna murder me. He told me not to do anything stupid. He had been there all the time to make sure I was okay and didn't injure myself.

I reached for my head. I still felt dizzy and light headed. The pain made it worse. I grabbed my phone and dialed Sideswipe's number. He had actually given it to me. It went over after a minute or two. 'Sup?' He sounded bored. 'Are you busy?'

'Does it sound like I am busy?' He muttered.
'I need your help.'
'I can't get up from the bathtub. I think the water was too hot or something... I just don't feel really good.' He was silent for a moment. 'I am gonna murder you,' he scolded. 'You can't freak out.' He snorted. 'I'll decide for myself if I freak out or not. I told you to stay in bed and don't do anything stupid—' he disconnected the call. He's mad and how can I blame him...

He burst through the door. 'What did you do!' He yelled. He hoisted me up in one single move before I could even explain. 'This is a fresh wound. You almost died and you let this wound soak for how long? An hour?!' He spat. 'You're not allowed to bathe until Ratchet says differently. You foolish human...' he wrapped a towel around me. 'You're an idiot,' he scolded.

He forced me to sit down in the bed. 'What we're you thinking? If you fainted you could've drowned or whatever—' he shook his head and dried me. 'Tell me what you feel. You look pale.'

'Just dizzy and light headed, that's all...'
He glared. 'This isn't the moment to act tough. Spill the beans and tell me the damn truth because I am really losing my patience right now!' He snapped. 'My wound hurts. I feel like I am gonna faint...'

'I am gonna call Ratchet and tell him how stupid you've been. I leave you unsupervised for only a couple of hours and you mess up this badly. How old are you? I can't remember I left a toddler behind,' he snapped. 'You worked with Ratchet... you should've know this was a bad and irresponsible idea...' he continued to ramble on. He grabbed some pants and a shirt. Sideswipe helped me put it on and laid me down, covering the wound with the towel.

'Ratchet will be here in a minute or two...'

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