Chapter 5. The brig

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Ratchet had managed to help me out and dismissed me from the medbay. I headed into the basement, finding Sideswipe there. He was completely beaten up. His holoform was leaning against his the side of his alt-mode, knees pulled high towards his chest and arms wrapped around his knees. He looked wrecked. 'What do you want,' he snapped, glaring dangerously at me.
'Talking.' He snorted. 'There's nothing to talk about, piss off,' he snapped. 'I am not leaving.' He glared at me before he got up with a groan. 'You ruined it!'

I kept a safe distance from the bars so he couldn't grab me. 'You can get every girl,' I argued. 'But she was special! She said she loved me,' he spat out. I stared at him. 'No, Sideswipe... these type of girls don't have good intensions,' I said, head shaking. 'You don't know a damn thing, Skyla! You don't know her like I do! I want you to tell her the truth so I can get her back,' he snapped. I sighed, 'do you really think I would ever like a boring bitch like you! You can't even hold a damn plate,' he snapped. 'No! And you can't keep your spike in your pants.'

He narrowed his eyes at me. 'Sideswipe, you are hanging around the wrong type of girls. Their goal is not to keep you, they intend to use you,' I said. He snorted. 'She will hurt you,' I said. 'No! She won't! I know her and you don't! I demand you to turn back what you did or you'll regret it,' he spat. 'Fine, I'll turn it back.' He blinked. 'You know it all too well so...'
'Thank you,' he snapped. I snorted. 'You're a mess, Sideswipe.'

'Stacy wouldn't use me. I know her and you don't,' he snapped. 'Alright, whatever.' I turned around and walked off. I caught up with Prowl on my way out. 'What did he say?' He asked as he shut and locked the door behind me. 'The usual. He's a mess,' I muttered. 'Yup, he has been that way since he got here but it started to worsen,' he replied. I followed him. 'Is He that blind or just stupid?' I asked. 'I honestly don't know. He wasn't always like this. He used to be a very joyful and sweet mech. He has always been a bit naughty, but just with some small pranks people could appreciate. Now he changed into a devil. There's nothing left from the mech I once met.'

'So, his behavior changed here on earth?'

Prowl shrugged. 'It got a lot worse here on earth. Before Cybertron fell, Sideswipe got lost on the battlefield but eventually made it back to the ark. That was the moment he acted quite strange. His optics were dull and not sparkling anymore. They have never sparkled ever since...' Prowl cut himself off. 'I think something bad happened to him that way.'
I sighed softly. 'Why do you still want to be his charge?'

'Because I can see frustration and miserableness. I wanna help him,' I said quietly. 'You can't help people if they don't want to be helped,' he said. 'I know, but I guess the only way to make him see his mistakes it to make him fail. That girl he's chasing? She'll dumb his aft by the end of the month. She's using him and will move on to someone better.'
Prowl snorted. 'I hope he fails but he would never admit it,' he mocked. I shrugged and sat down with him.

Five days later, Sideswipe was released from the brig. I turned back what I did and hadn't seen Sideswipe after that anymore. It was day 7 I finally spotted him. He looked exhausted and sad. I felt like he was going to burst into tears any moment. Of course he would never admit his true feelings.

Sideswipe was late and there was no food left for him. I sighed and got up, walking over to him as he sat down, hurrying is face in his hands for a moment. I placed my plate in front of him, making him look up. I slowly laid the cutlery down before turning around and making some extra food for myself. Once I finished, I sat down at the same table. I felt like he needed someone.

He walked off once he was done, leaving me alone. I still wanted to check up on him later that evening, do I walked over to his room. There was no response when I knocked so I used my keycard to walk in. Sideswipe had fallen asleep. Slowly, I walked up to him. Laying his phone on the nightstand and carefully shifted him so he was laying down. He uttered a soft groan and weakly opened his eyes. They pierced through my soul.

I covered him up and shut the lights. 'Goodnight, Sideswipe,' I mumbled quietly. His eyes were glowing in the dark, staring at me and closed as I reached the door.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))
I woke up at 1 PM the next morning. I peeked at my maar clock before curling back up. Gosh I love my sleep. As I had curled up again, my phone went off. I picked it up instantly when I saw it was Stacy. 'Hey, sweetspark,' I purred. 'Where are you?' She snapped. I frowned. 'In bed, why?' I asked. 'Seriously!? You promised to be here at 11,' she spat. I flinched. 'I am sorry, I will be there right away,' I stated. 'Doesn't have too, I already for a lift from a friend.'

'Oh, I will pick you up then,' I offered. 'No, never mind. Just go lay in bed,' she snapped and disconnected the call. I slid out of bed, taking a shower before leaving my room. People ignored me or glared at me. My fellow teammates didn't even want to speak to me. I spotted Skyla in the hanger, talking to Jazz and Bumblebee. I remembered her tucking me in last night. It felt oddly nice. So nice I secretly wanted her to do it again.

She's always so kind to everyone. Even towards me. How is she able to keep her cool after all I said and did? She actually seems like the perfect femme to cuddle with. She's so pure and honest. Even after beating het into the medbay, she was still willing to talk to me. 'Finally awake?' I jumped in the air. 'Prime,' I scowled. He stepped next to me, leaning with his under arms on the railing. 'Why don't you go to talk to her?' He asked. 'I don't want to be seen with her.'

'Why not?' He asked. 'Because she's ugly,' I scowled. Skyla wasn't. She's so damn beautiful. 5'11 ft tall, very slim, nice toned stomach, long dark blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Not to mention her fair skin. The sun tanned her skin a little but it looked smooth and soft. 'She's a model...' I looked at Prime. 'She is?'

'If you would talk to her, you would know.'

I shifted a little and looked down at Skyla again. 'Unless the injury you caused her leaves a scar.' I snapped my head back towards him. 'The humans are really strict. 'Some haven't really treated her nicely in the past but she loves to do it,' Optimus added. I felt a wave of guilt sweep over me.

Thinking about it, I can use her. One she can save my ass from the brig, secondly she can sneak me out and third of all, I can use her status to show off. Perhaps being her guardian isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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