6. Cara

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"So, is she finally here?" Xander rose a brow, excitement bubbling inside him and I laughed.

"Yes, I'll go. But you need to wrap up this work. So stay here."

He frowned, making his handsome face look....well, still handsome. "Mean."

I simply smiled as I heard him groan along with the closing of our personal quarters.

A few seconds and there I was in the Throne Room.

A grin took over my face as storm grey eyes locked onto mine. Before I knew it, I was in his arms and Arion swung me around, sweeping me off my feet. I couldn't help the giddy feeling as I clung onto him.

"I missed you so much." His words sent shivers down my spine, aware he'd take his time telling me just how much once we had our privacy. The thought made me butterflies take flight in my stomach.

"Well, do you think I didn't?"

He grumbled his complaints under his breath about how I had people to keep me satisfied enough, looking away until I rolled my eyes and held his head between my hands. 

"Your Royal Ass needs to come to terms with--"

"You know I'm the one who's alright with it the most, right?" His arrogance seeped into his words as he gave me a smirk. I let go of him and turned away as he chuckled.

"Don't worry, I know you love me." Arion nuzzled his face into my neck from behind as I looked around to spot the person I'd initially come to meet.

"Xander plans on escaping from his work if you don't catch our little guest sooner, sweetheart." Damien's voice rung out in the vast space as he winked at me from the open doors of the Throne Room, a smirk tilting his lips.

I wriggled away from Arion's hold on my waist as he cursed out Damien. "Jealous asshole."

"Selfish bastard." The vampire retorted as his electric eyes took me in and then he flashed me a fanged smile that made me turn to mush on the inside.

"Focus, Angel." Arion drawled, wrenching away my attention from Damien who shot the Fae a glare. Arion was clearly just amused, payback was their favourite game to play and it always left me reeling.

I shook my head, "Okay, where is she?" I sharply asked. 

Damien snorted, knowing why I was getting snippy.

"Lucien got to her first."

I gave him an appalled look and then whined. "You're useless."

He snickered in response, telling me how much he believed my empty, hollow words. 

It's okay, I didn't believe them either.

"Well, we'll see who's going to be so amused when they don't get to visit Adalda this week." I smugly shot the two Royals a look whose attention snapped to me as they gave me wide-eyed looks.

"Oh, hell no, don't you dare-"

But I was already gone, already planning how to make them suffer more for letting Lucien get his hands on her first.

I found him in his usual spot and the younger girl in front of him watched in awe how he shape-shifted.

Into a goldfish.

I held in a snicker as I sneaked up on Lucien.

Of course I failed, nothing escapes him especially me and my presence. Just when I almost caught his fish form, he transformed into his favourite Grey Leopard form.

I shrieked as the weight landed on me and he pinned me under him, licking my face in both punishment and affection. I laughed and then gave up.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry but can you let me go now?"

Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now