14. Lucien

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(Mentions of mature language, gore and violence ahead.)

She was haunting me.

I knew for sure.

It was like Cara had made home in my ice fortress and was now working on breaking my careful armour apart from the very inside.

To think that I couldn't get the only relief I wanted from even a ruthless fuck? With Cecilia?

It made me feel apprehensive.

"Lucien, you still seem troubled." Cecilia's eyes trailed my movements as I redressed and I flicked my eyes up.

She continued, "You should let me help. You know I can be trusted." Her hands worked swiftly as well as she tied up the bodice of her dress even though she wore very practical clothes always.

She could be trusted. Probably.

But that wasn't my concern at the moment.

"You and the others truly need to leave soon." My words were curt as I pulled on my cape emboldened with the burgundy and electric blue streak of Celera. "You were supposed to have left days ago."

The unofficial council of Shapeshifters was made up of these five. And they'd said they were only going to lend a hand and rest here while on their way from Valeryn too. Courtesy to me, Arion allowed it.

"But isn't it better if the Shapeshifters start gathering and ally themselves with the Fae? We all know what's coming now."

I slid my cold gaze towards Cecilia who remained unfazed. "Shapeshifters have been neutral for centuries, what's with this right now?"

Cecilia's eyes flared, "Do you think our race can survive this catastrophe without allies? Do you not care at all?"

I let out a scoff, "I care Cecilia and that's why—"

"We have already lost some good warriors to Killian."

I stared at her.

"Why hadn't I been informed?" I grit my teeth in frustration.

If Killian was recruiting Shifters, I would not stand for it. And in every war there are people who take sides but I'd try not to let my people be lured in by the desperate attempts of survival.

Not the innocents.

"You aren't the King of Shifters anymore, Lucien Walder." Her tone was firm and something stirred inside me when she met my eyes head on.

There was a darkness I didn't think resided within me but it was slowly bleeding into my skin as if ready to enact revenge, to make her pay for the insubordination.

And yet.

What could I possibly say to that? She wasn't lying.

But the problem was I cared too much. And they were my people no matter what.

But I wouldn't be talking anymore about this. I felt like I was losing control and I willed the rising ire and rage to be iced over.

"We are done talking. Prepare to leave—"

"No." Cecilia wasn't budging and now she was getting on my nerves.

Cutting me off and asserting herself. I clenched my jaw against better judgment.

I understood where she came from but I couldn't talk to her anymore. I felt like the beast inside of me, the many forms, that magic was surging up and ready to tear her to pieces and I truly couldn't have that.

With a frosty look, I left Cecilia without a word and earned a sigh of indignation.

The door banged shut behind me but I knew she would leave my room soon of her own accord.

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