8. Xander

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I wanted to see Cara desperately. 

My wolf stirred within me, Mine.

Ours, I corrected.

It was a deep-seated yearning and the scent of lilacs and lemons constantly invaded my senses. I couldn't have been happier to have found my mate despite the way things turned out. She'd been on my mind for as long as a century and now I finally had her with me in reality.

My wolf had been restless too and I knew marking Cara had to be achieved sooner rather than later. I needed to solidify our bond. So far I was quite hyper aware of her and could feel her emotions through our bond.

But mind linking couldn't be established between us until she was fully mated to me, especially since she was human and lacked a wolf. I wondered more often than not whether she'd understand me since we were two different breeds altogether. But even those doubts couldn't make me take a step back.

Yes, I have my own issues.

Hell, a revolt could take place if Cara was made Luna and it was clear to everyone that she was human so it was bound to create problems. Considering the turbulent times, I knew my court and people would oppose despite my being Alpha King. I wouldn't have my position either if they don't agree with it. After all they're my people and I'm sworn to protect them at all costs.

Somehow though, I was hoping for a miracle so that Cara wouldn't have to witness the brutal side of our species so soon. There were some Alpha females who were dying for the position of Luna Queen and being my mate but even before I found Cara, I knew no one else would be accepted by me.

Still. It was protocol and if initiated, my fragile mate might have to confront Alpha females in battles. But for now, I'd concluded to keep these worries aside. Not like the decision was doing me much good because it was all people are talking about.

Even during my visits around the territory since Cara's arrival, I hadn't failed to hear her name being mentioned a few times and not for the most courteous purposes either.

If it was up to my wolf, he'd tear those people apart. 

If it was up to me.....well, I'd still do pretty much the same.

But the decorum of the Adaldan Alpha King that I had to maintain was a tiny hindrance I'd thought about crossing numerous times in the past two weeks.

"You can't be serious about making a human the Queen of Adalda, Your Majesty?"

One of my courtiers exclaimed as we entered the Palace grounds, back from our inspection of the main city and the capital Kabbet.

I clenched my jaw and stopped in my steps, turning to look the man in the eyes, "And why is it being opposed by you? Are you the King or the Alpha?" I barely held in a growl.

He had to submit, baring his neck to me and I didn't feel even an ounce of guilt at using my power and alpha status to protect the dignity of my mate.

I was prepared for oppositions. I had everything just under control. 

And there was no way Cara wouldn't be becoming my Queen and Adalda's Luna.

If it was about making her stronger, I could work on that. I didn't particularly care that she was human, all I did care about was that she was mine.

She might be flawed in someone's eyes, but everyone alive was.

The first time I saw Cara, all I'd wanted was for her to cross into my territory like she had planned. I was awed by the courage and bravery she showed by undertaking such n endeavour even when my wolf was mostly in control. She'd devised an escape from the gathering of the Vampires at the yearly slave auction.

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