30. Cara

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Keely was already doing well.

3 days and she'd managed to tap into the power in her blood.

"You're showing good progress." I smiled at Keely and she spun around, chest heaving and eyes wide.

"O...Oh...Your Majesty." She quickly did a courtesy, sword in hand and hair plastered to her neck and forehead.

Her mentor, one of Akhil's trusted, Garrett bowed respectfully too. "Good morning, Your Majesty."

I greeted them both and then saw how Keely blushed.

"She's a quick learner." He remarked, rugged brown hair and dark green eyes sparking.

She shook her head, "No, its like muscle memory. The swing  the cuts.....I don't-don't have the body muscle yet or the st-strength but...."

"I understand. And you can work on that steadily. There's no need to get overwhelmed. I just came to check up on you today." I gave a soft smile and she nodded shyly.

"Please, continue." With that, I turned on my heel and left the training room that had been granted to Keely and Garrett.

She must have been feeling how I had felt when I first used Rubin. With some muscle and stamina building, she'd quickly become an efficient warrior if all went well.

She couldn't tap entirely into her blood power but even this amount was doing wonders.

With my newly appointed group  of intimidating Adaldan bodyguards and my handmaiden, I made my way to Britt's quarters.


"I truly despise you."

The very un-welcoming and harsh tone of Britt's words didn't affect me much but the way she clenched her teeth showed how out of control she felt.

"Hello to you as well." I smiled calmly, aware it'd probably tick her off.

She glared at me, pale blue eyes flaring up and her blond hair in disarray as she sat down at her work table, mixing potions again. A true witch.

I stood still and alone for five minutes, watching her murmur words and crush herbs, working on carrying out the many orders I'd given her.

"I really did not know, Britt." I broke the silence and she stopped pouring a shiny white liquid into a green one mid-way.

She didn't meet my eyes when she addressed me, "Whether you knew or not is of no importance of me. You have been the bane of my existence, the villain of my story and nothing will change that." She looked towards the door, her hand rubbing her chest as of her heart ached.

"My mate grieves another. Loved another....." Her eyes met mine, "Have you felt an ounce of such an emotion?"

My throat closed up, "I have."

She silently stared at me before shaking her head. "No. Your men have always had a place for you in their hearts. Even when they don't remember you. Your men have a piece of you in their life-force. You will forever be a part of them and your attraction cannot be erased."

I exhaled at the reminder of what I had destroyed for myself. She knew her words would strike me like the poisonous Fangs of a snake. My men were still tied to me and every day I wondered if I was in the wrong for not having entirely broken the bonds. And then I remembered the circumstances and how I could have never.

Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now