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(Cara's P.O.V)

Melida understood but she understood just a bit too much, a bit too late and the anger she previously harbored dissipated like weak smoke at her realization.

I barely held myself together, the other four presences in the room calling for my attention.

Give them power enough to fool them but never enough to lose yourself.

But it was already too late for me. I'd lost myself to them.

It was fickle, but I'd hoped. I'd hoped something would have changed. Anything. But it didn't happen.

"I feel like we're again being left out of something significant that just occurred." Arion chuckled but it was hollow.

Xander took a step back, his eyes no longer blazing but dulled. Muted. "Choose. Make a decision, Cara. Which one of us will you be using for your further nefarious plans, hmm? Because you sure as hell can't have us all." 

Lucien gave a jerky nod of affirmation.

But who'd tell them that I'd once had them all indeed?

A soft, hollow chuckle escaped my lips.

They wanted a decision? They wanted me to choose?

Then good thing, I'd already done that.

My decision was made and so was my choice.

Theirs wouldn't matter after this.

I raised my chin and embraced it. Embraced the truth they didn't know and the one that the raven haired woman had unraveled just now.

The tension was palpable and everyone was coiled taunt, muscles stiff.

Emotion clogged my throat but that wasn't how I survived this world. Ever.

I looked away again and the male caging me had his lips pulled up showing teeth and eyes narrowed. And I was sure they had questions but sadly they weren't in the state to ask.

My eyes jumped from the captive hold of powerful male in front of me to the one behind him whose amber eyes should've frozen anyone looking into them. Lucien looked like an icy fortress, closing himself up from the bitter strikes of the world.

But I merely skipped ahead to stare into those that made me burn. Arion's eyes were shattered, hope dwindling in those stormy eyes but I moved on.

I let my eyes lock onto his in the end.

Because I knew. None of them did.

His lips curled up in pure malice and dark intent.

Lips I'd last felt on mine, just recently.

Fangs flashed in a grin.

Fangs that had just been embedded in my neck, drinking my blood.

And when the wisps of smoke coiled around him, the others straightened up, feeling the power but not ready to take their eyes off of me.

He did them the favor when he spoke himself, attracting attention like bees to nectar.

"That was interesting." Eyes I couldn't recognize anymore looked into mine, an internal battle raging on.

Unimpressed, I cocked my head to the side indolently.

Slowly, everyone turned their attention from me to Damien, the Vampire Prince with darkened black eyes. "So cute how you're all fighting amongst yourselves."

"So cowardly of you considering how you're hiding." I mocked back.

He didn't like my retort if the tick in his jaw said anything.

Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now