17. Cara

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"Let's start with the invitations. Can you discuss it with Xander?" I questioned Melida as we sat in the room.

"Mmm, yes I'll do that. The Ceremony Ball will take place next month. That's the fastest I can manage." Melida nodded.

"Alright, good. I'll send the invitation to Valeryn myself. The rest I'll leave to you. Work it out with Xander. See who all he invites and if allies or neutrals aren't among the invited, convince Xander to invite them."

She frowned, "Why can't you do this yourself?" Then she added, "Also, is your in going to be Darr? That shapeshifter spy master of Valeryn?"

I rolled my eyes, "Because I'll be busy dealing with a whole other set of problems. And yes, I'll send along the invitations through him. I have a feeling he'll cooperate."

She gave me an unsure look. "He will be here tomorrow."

"Good." I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Melida sipped on her tea and I mimicked her.

"Any news from Brax?"

She put down the teacup and saucer. "Yes, he has started moving towards Heavantta."

My lips curled up slightly at that.

Heaveantta or as we called it adoringly: The Land of Lea.

Aside from what's commonly known about that piece of enormous land, there's much I have to do with it. It's indeed home to us.

Easy to deduce from the name, Heavantta used to be a safe haven, the best place for misfits to lead a peaceful life alongside others. It was a heaven indeed unlike Hellion that was currently housing Killian. Although all that was left of Heavanta was barren land, ruined buildings and no signs of life for the Great Battle.

I remember when I'd first seen it from Celera in this life. In the forest with Seraphima and how it had called to me.


Sera wouldn't be able to come home with us.

My heart twisted, invisible thorns piercing painfully.

I swallowed the bitter tea in a gulp that was not befitting of a 'future Luna Queen.'

"Any reports on Karl?" I asked in a terse manner. Melida snickered.

"My 'brother' has definitely heard of the bounty on your head. It won't be surprising if he tries something. One of my spies reportedly spotted his right hand man in the capital city today and that means something."

I sighed.

Karl might have been the eldest son of the Royal family but there was no blood lost between them. Driven out after he associated with demons and assisted in the death of Xander and Melida's parents - the previous Alpha and Luna - Karl was as good as a taboo.

But I was counting on Karl taking action. It would be a great opportunity to send a message.

The hatred that fostered deep in Xander's heart for demonkind was no joke. And I was well aware.

Considering everything though, things seemed to be going alright. From my days as a human slave to a handmaiden.....I'd be kidding if I said having my memories was better than all of that.

I'd taken my classes with the teacher Xander had appointed me and I was doing fine. It was simply so I could catch up on all that had happened in the past five hundred years during my absence. Even Melida and Micah couldn't tell me the changed dynamics like that.

"Good. What about the spies Xander has tailing you and me?" I chuckled rather dryly.

Raven hair curled against her dark skin as Melida's canines showed in her smile. "All on our side."

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