28. Britt

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I didn't stop.

Not for a single second did I stop as I plowed through the forest and the mud, having already escaped the Palace Grounds.

I wasn't stupid. I knew they could have an ulterior motive but....

But the opportunity was so tempting.

I'd been sitting in my confinement cell—because, I refused to accept that it was a hospitable and well furnished room—when the magic scroll came.

Queen Kesla had sent it. And she wouldn't take unnecessary risks. So her gesture went a long way in solidifying my attempt to escape.

She'd said that most of the guards stationed around my part of the Palace were already dealt with and if I wished to leave once and for all to rejoin her, then this would be my only chance.

I'd have been a fool to not take It up.

Adrenaline pumped through me as my magic thrashed inside my chest mimicking my dash of excitement. I swallowed thickly as the magic scroll disintegrated into smoke as soon as I finished reading it.

Instead, a magic trail leading me to the Queen formed, visible only to my eyes and the magic tugging me in its direction like a moth to a flame.

I was already dressed in sharp trousers and a blouse, a kicthen knife tucked into my waistband.

It wasn't a hard choice and I was pressed for time.

I snuck out of the room, finding it unlocked much to my surprise. There truly weren't many guards and the few left were unconsciously slumped on the ground.

I didn't question it because time was of essence.

I ran.

Slipping over the shiny rounding paths until I was outside, feeling the crisp autumn air brushing past me.

I was a pawn to both Queens.

One I hated with a passion because Cara had stolen everything that was mine.

The other was the one I'd chosen to side with. And Queen Kesla didn't pick losing sides.

I contemplated making a detour and not following the magical trail she'd somehow created for me to follow but decided against it.

I just wanted to out. Cara might be doing what she was for the greater good and all that nonsense but I was a jaded soul and I didn't care about her empty promises of returning my legacy to me.

Queen Kesla on the other hand had stayed true to all her promises. And I'd bet my life on her this time around as well.

I glanced back once, the full moon lighting up my path and filtering in through the canopies.


There truly was no one on my trail. I couldn't feel any magic, no other presence even as I stretched the tendrils of my dark magic to sense around.

I hesitated slightly, frowning at the easy way I'd been able to escape.

The magic trail Queen kesla had left me was almost at its end. It wouldn't be freedom I'd be granted under her, in fact I wasn't ashamed to say that I despised a few of the things she'd had me use my magic for in the past few years.

However, I couldn't stomach being a pawn for Cara. And Kea wanted to crush Cara.

Our goals aligned. It wasn't that hard of a choice.

I stared straight ahead, licking my lips as I stepped forward. Each step that reduced the distance between me the Vampire Queen weighed heavily on me.

Why wasn't anyone coming for me?

Marked Claws (Mystic Bonds #2) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now