13. Arion/Lucien

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(Arion's P.O.V)

The bastard closed his eyes and I felt my fist clench.

I glared hard but Damien's fanged grin only fueled my anger and ire.

Lucien did us both a good one and kicked his legs off the table where they were extended.

Damien's cobalt eyes shot open but he was still amused.

"Oh, come now. What's with the glares?"

"Don't claim her as if Cara is yours!" I snapped.

"But she is."

Damien, that little.....he was whining? He was willing to drop that low just to spite me?

"Asshole." I spat at him.

"An asshole who is bound to Cara." He drawled with a smirk.

And the silent ice fortress standing besides me seemed to have had enough as well. His brow twitched and then he spoke.

"Don't go around making such declarations to rile us up. You're no saint."

I snickered, a little placated.

"I haven't slept with a single female since I was bound." The Vampire's words were proud. Proud!

I curled my lip, "That's only because you practically can't. The Soulbond works that way."

That shut him up real quick. I envied his beating heart though and no matter what I said, I craved to have Angel belonging to me.

I shook my head and turned back to Lucien, "Get those Shifters out of here, I really am not in the mood to have them inhabit my palace any longer."

This time, the cold General gave me a jerk of his head. I'd take that.

So much had been happening and so much had changed but being here like this with these two was surreal. Almost as much as the fact that I'd lost my sister.

The memory brought a pang of hurt with it. My heart aching, missing her bubbly and mysterious personality. Her insight on the kingdom. Her opinions. Her support. Just....her.

Thinking of her last letter made me feel like I'd go insane. It'd been like this:

Dear Arion,

My brother. My best friend. My family. Half of my entire universe (Yes I'm winking at you).

I know how you must be, so I shall skip the pleasantries.

I didn't mean to leave you. Never intentionally. But you see.....I had a debt to pay. Not that she ever considered it a debt. She had it all planned but still.

I know.

You don't.

There's a whole lot you just want to know. I just hope you won't be doubting me or my intentions. When everything will come to an end and when you will know the truth as well.....I assure you. Your perspective on everything will change.

But I'm afraid it will be a long time before that comes to be.

Ah, I'm sorry, here I am writing riddles like Queen Kesla. Don't trust her by the way. It's an age long game she's playing. And although most of us too are a part of it, her agenda is different.

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