25. Arion/Lucien

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(Arion's P.O.V)

She looked like a fucking vision.

She should've been by my side.

Instead here she was, claimed by a half-beast and ready to be a Queen of another Kingdom.

There was storm that had been brewing inside my hollow chest since the invitations had arrived and it had only gotten harsher when Lucien came with news of how he had encountered both the Hunter's Tomb and Cara in the Forest of Galkain.

Arms entwined, they greeted us at the entrance and my blood boiled, that storm inside me whirling faster and faster and if I didn't control myself, my powers would probably swing a rock–or preferably boulder–at the Alpha King.

"Welcome to Adalda, Your Majesties."

Xander swept a look over the entourage and flashed a feral smile, his canines peeking out and he wasn't holding back on his dominance.

But more than any of that, what got on my nerves was the way Cara's lemon and lilac scent— one I was in the presence of after months—was tangled with the werewolf's.

There was too much happening for me to be able to grasp it all but the second I made eye contact with Cara, something inside me stilled.

Her jade green eyes were streaked with silver.

Her complexion was healthy and peach colored flawless skin was exposed.

Cara's full lips were parted slightly and the urge to kiss them swollen was hard to resist.

Her figure was ravishing.

And yet I knew it deep in my bones that the pull I'd felt towards her since Day one would remain the same even if she was scarred and mutilated. Because beauty was a bonus.

And I was an idiot to have tried denying the pull for so long.

The one thing I knew for sure was she was a part of me. Undoubtedly, she was meant to me mine.

Sera had said as much. And knowing that some of my memories were locked away? That just reinforced the idea.

"You all look well." Cara's voice struck chords inside of me and I wasn't even aware of anyone else's presence.

Then she proceeded to look at Damien and Lucien and I didn't miss how Xander's eyes narrowed at her and he tightened his grip.

"You've faired just as well." Lucien's tone was cold as ice when directed towards Cara.

She smiled, an uncanny tilt of her lips. So self-assured. But she didn't answer and instead, her eyes rested on Damien was seemed to be warring with himself. I felt my brows pull down.

Cara opened her mouth, about to speak but Xander interrupted, "We can all meet and talk tomorrow, I'm sure. For today, its quite late. You shall be directed to the Opal Palace. Please have a comfortable stay. We'll see you tomorrow night."

I was tempted to call Cara as my Angel. The name I'd deigned her since our first meeting. Or call her the seductive temptress she had really turned out to be but I could feel Lucien boring holes into the back of my head.

I flashed him a grin which he returned with a savage one. The tension in the air was palpable and thick.

With my telekinesis, Damien's lightning streaking accross random surfaces and Lucien and Xander's strong dominant auras, everyone with a ten-mile radius would've been on their toes.

"Yes, of course. Tomorrow, we can catch up." Damien's eyes were glued to Cara and I was surprised he was this composed.

In fact, I was astonished at my own self-restraint.

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