Book 3 Announcment

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Well hello there.

firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

This year has been SUCH A ROLLERCOASTER for me. idk bout you guys but yeah I underwent a lot of changes, shifted, started college and all that. It feels like 6 years passed, not one. Simply mind-boggling. I hope the year wasn't too hard on any of you guys either and in case it was, hang in there, it's bound to get better soon!

It's sure been a while, eh? I'm glad you're still here though. Mad Respect lol. I really do appreciate it though. Thank you for showing you're eager to read my book, that you're here, that you appreciate my works (as unedited and cringey as they are) and the votes and comments always make my day. Thank you. SO much.

I want to tell you guys that the Mystic Bonds series is unedited and the first two books are first drafts, like this one. I've forgotten a whole lot of details and because I started to this book series at a time when I was quite an amateur. My writing has evolved, I can better understand the nuances of writing a story and dropping crumbs but this was also, in a twisted way, a well-planned story lol. Either way, thing is I'll certainly need to go over every book once in order to stay true to the authentics which I've myself forgotten *deadpan look*

I hope you'll forgive me if I do some late updates (I'll try not to T_T) and I'm not going to publish the book until I've got at least 15 chapters written. To be quite frank, while I do have a skeletal outline for htis book, I also know I lack a proper flow of where the book is headed lol. I'll figure it out as we go I guess. Been doing that since the start haha. Either way, this will be the final installment of the series and shall answer all your questions (I hope lol) and it'll be a happily ever after. No smut as you all know, only fade to black. Maybe some steam but nothing more than that. And an action-packed, gut-wrenching romantic story with lots of mystery and character development thrown in.

In the end, I'll only hope you enjoy it.

Since so many of you've been wanting and waiting, I figured I'd at least reveal the title and cover to you guys lol. Gotta give you something to hang onto after all. I hope you guys like it. It's not the exact design I wanted or had in mind but I don't have a better alternative at the moment and editing would take tooo much time. Also because once I finish the series, I plan to bring about at least some changes in the covers too, so heads up on that.

My only goal for the moment though, is to write the first draft and finish off the Mystic Bonds series.

Also, fun fact: the name Mystic Bonds was made up totally on a whim. When I started, I figured who'd even read this? And then thought let's give the series a temporary name at least. I wanted something fancy and super meaningful that I spent a long time pondering over so I could have a story for it (unlike my pen name which was AGAIN made up on a whim simply because I liked the name a lot back then, unaware that it owuld go on to become too much of an integral part of my identity as a writer T_T but now there's no going back. SO anyways. I came up with Mystic Bonds because, well..its pretty self explanatory lol. There are many bonds and they're all super mysterious and stuff so there ya go.

Okay, I'll wrap up now.

That's bout it. Gonna see you all soon, don't worry. And I have so many plans for future books, will never run out of ideas. But let's get this trilogy over with. I'm also wriitng a new adult Mafia Romance, if you didn't already know. 'Can You Feel It?'

Would totally appreciate it if you guys would go check it out and vote, comment and make my day! sksksk, anywaysssssssss.......


Lemme know what you guys think of the cover!

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