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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲

You would think there was a war in this house because of how mad Me and Shy were at each other.

I know it's dumb and not my business but to me shy is a beautiful girl with wonderful qualities and Terez don't deserve her on top of that she's Naive she didn't even kno she wasn't supposed to show her body to me I don't want him with her and that shots bugging me and each time I see her I want to curse her out because it's a stupid ass idea.

I think she's mad at me because of Dinah I had sex with her and I was fucking her extra hard just so Shy would hear it and I know that's petty but I'm a petty nigga what can I say. Not only was she mad about her sleep but Dinah left her a sticky note full of insults and when she showed me I laughed like I didn't care but I actually cursed Dinah out via text and she was now banned from my house.

"Yo fuck you doing that don't go there clearly." I spoke watching Shy snarl in anger.

"Then you tell me where it goes Karter instead of being a loud fucking asshole." She spoke rolling her eyes at me.

"I want you to know that I can be a loud fuckin asshole if I want I pay all the fuckin bills in this bitch and I bought every outfit in your fuckin closet so that attitude of yours needs to be gone real fuckin soon before I burn everything in your room and have you sleep butt ass naked on the kitchen floor." I said staring her down as she picked up another shoe from my closet.

Immediately I regretted my words because she picked up a Jordan and flung it towards my head.

Obviously I dodged it and she missed hitting my tv.

"Ohhh my god I'm so sorry." She spoke looking at my tv that was now cracked and emitting static.

"Really Shy at this point the get the fuck out my room." I said shaking my head in annoyance.

"If you weren't being so damn mean I wouldn't have thrown the shoe." She said as if that was gonna make things better.

"Shy I'm at my limit with you your so naive you believe everything anyone says your not outspoken your too fucking nice and I can't stand it." I said watching her face contort into a whole new emotion that I never recognized on her.

"And what are you Karter your this football player who thinks everyone is out to use him you don't understand feelings so your quit to shut yours down your selfish and only care about your things and your needs and I can't stand living here with you just as much as you." She said.

I immediately got in her face watching her back down.

That was a dick move on my part considering her past with her parents, ex-fiancé, and Terez but truth be told I didn't care.

"You know what since you wanna air shit out I think your a dumbass for going back to a so called man who lays his hands on you but I guess you crying in my arms for hours about the pain and bruises didn't stop you from only seeing the money in him your just as green as any other bitch so when he sticks his fingers in you again without permission don't come cryin to me and when he fucks another bitch in front of your face again don't come running to me and if he beats the shit out of you call 911 because I couldn't give two fucks." I said watching her mouth drop and a few tears fall. Instantly she wiped them before getting in my face.

"Okay then let's go there your girlfriend or whatever you want to call her I went through her phone before how many dicks go in her mouth just to keep you popular as captain. The bitch that Terez had sex with in front of me oh that was her. Have you checked how much she gets paid because she's been stealing over two thousand from your seasons earnings she has a baby daddy and everything but you like fucking her right you talk about me being green when the the bitches of color hide right in your face now if you pop up with a disease I don't give a flying fuck." She spoke pointing her finger in my face.

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