You break up with him... Brad

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you and Brad have been really distant lately, you don't talk to each other anymore and when you do it's an argument. You'd argue over the littlest thing, and if anything it was breaking you apart, watching everything fall apart, you've had so many times with Brad, going different parts of the world, getting to meet a lot of new people, getting to watch the one you love live his dream.

You had been up all night trying to think on how you can possibly save your relationship, but there was physically nothing you can do, it pains you to say it but you had to break up with him before anything bad happens.

It was 10am, you was sat in the living room, watching the news, when Brad came walking down the stairs, 'Brad we need to talk' you said, with sadness in your voice, he just looked up at you, and walked over and sat next to you. 'I think it's best we break up' you say not looking at him, he didn't say anything, he just looked at you, and said 'why?' you looked at him, and he was about to cry 'because lately we've been so distant, we never see other, and when we do we always end up arguing, and I don't want to deal with it on a daily basis' you said wiping away your tears.

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