You move into together.. Brad

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You and brad have been dating for 1 year, things were now getting pretty serious, brad asked you to finally move in with him, which is actually what you're doing today. You and brad are moving into a new flat together, you set your alarm for 8:00am so you can get up and pack all your last few pieces, such as your; overnight clothes, and make up, and all your little bits in your bedroom. You then got ready, which was only some joggers, a chest top, with brad' hoodie and low cut converse, you then put your hair into a high pony tail, and some mascara.

After an hour of making sure you had everything, and you was ready, and carried all your stuff downstairs on your own and set everything near the front door, you walked into the kitchen to make some toast, and a cup of tea. after you had eaten you started loading your car with boxes, after boxes, then started driving to yours and brad' new home. Brad wasn't there at the moment because he was at the studio, but he did all his unpacking last night. 3 hours later you had been and back from your old house with all your belonging, you then started to unpack, putting things into places which suited your liking.

After another 2 hours you had finally unpacked, you was now currently sat downstairs in your new living room, taking in your new surrounding, you thought back to when you met brad


You was walking your dog Ben, you was about to turn a corner when your dog saw something and pulled you which led to you falling on the floor, an leaving you with road burns, brad stopped Ben, and helped you up making sure you was okay 'are you okay love?' His voice made you melt, if that's normal since you've just met. 'Yeah you replied' with a nod which earned you a smile. You didn't realise you was starring at him when he coughed 'I'm brad. What's your name?' He says 'y/n' you reply blushing slightly, 'beautiful name, anyway I've got to go, any chance I could get your number? So you know? If you need any help with Ben' he says scratching the back of his head.

You quickly swap numbers going your separate ways, but it didn't take long for you both to start texting and meeting up'


Suddenly the door slammed shut, which made you jump a little, but when brad came walking through the door, you both instantly smiled at each other 'welcome home brad' you say smiling, he walks over to you, pulls you in for a sweet loving kiss..

I hope you guys like this, I've been writing all day. Anyway Comment who your favourite it

James? Brad? Connor? Or Tristan?


But yeah don't forget to comment, vote and ENJOY...

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