Definelty Found

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     I groaned rolling onto my stomach and burrying my face back into my pillow. Tobi was at the end of my bed still fast asleep. I slightly lifted my face up to locate my phone and quickly snatched it off of my night stand.

2 missed calls
4 unread messages

Hey sweetheart

You up yet?

Theres someone at my door asking for you

Do you know a Connor?

     Shit. To put things simply, or as simply as I can. Connor is my ex. We dated my junior and senior years. He was toxic as fuck. He made me cut contact with all my friends and didn't even let me talk or see my mom very much. I never told her why or who he was I just did as he said and distanced myself. But its been three years. Three years since that final moment when he snapped. Why was he showing up now? Then it hit me. My restraining order was up.

Are you okay?

Yeah sorry mom, I'll explain later just make sure he stays away and don't tell him where I am.

Okay sweetie talk soon.

     Nope I wasn't dealing with this today. I rolled over and opened twitch. I watched a bunch of everything and I was always looking for something new. I scrolled down past my channels to recommended and saw this guy called Georgenotfound was streaming minecraft. Minecraft is personally my favorite. I clicked onto his stream and started analyzing everything. Something about him was just so familiar.

      He was playing on a server with some of his (I assume) friends. He had his face cam on and was in a hoodie, headphones and had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. He had raven black hair and the most beautiful eyes.

      "I SWEAR IF ONE MORE OF YOU GUYS PUT DREAMNOTFOUND IN MY CHAT IM GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT." One of the boys screamed, causing George to go red and giggle at the camera. Dream. I had heard that name before. He held a speed running record for Minecraft, and judging by George's face that was their ship name.

       "Why you jealous snapmap?" Another voice taunted.

       "You cant be jealous I'm your fiance!" Yet another boy whined.

       I watched the stream until he ended it. I quickly found myself in a google search rabbit hole, researching the things they had brought up.  'Feral boys' 'Sapnap' 'quackity' 'georgenotfound' 'dream' 'karl jacobs' 'what is pog?' 'Dream smp' 'tommy child innit'

       I searched up anything and everything I remembered from it and I ended up learning quite a bit. Dream and George had founded a server, the Dream smp, and invited a bunch of their friends. There where also quite a few different groups that different combinations of players were involved in. Sleepy boys, the Dream team, Feral boys, ext.

       I eventually passed out again, watching the second manhunt video.


     "Willow! I missed you so much!"

      "Who are you?"

      I looked around, finding myself in a field of daisies. My favorite flower. There was a young boy standing infront on me. He was a few inches taller with fluffy hair and a wide smile.

      "Don't be silly Willow, I'm your best friend!"  He giggled grabbing my hand and leading me through the field.

      "My best friend forgot about me years ago," I shook my head trying to remember anything about him. His name? His face? But the only thing that came up when I continued to search through my brain was the boys face. "George?"

       He turned around smiling, slowing down until he wasn't running anymore. "I never forgot about you."

     I woke up suddenly, drenched in my own sweat. George. That was when it hit me. All the memories came rushing back.

      "I guess he actually did follow his dream." I whispered to myself, falling back onto my pillow.


Thank you so much for reading!!! I hope you liked the first chapter, even though its way shorter than I usually write I still hope you enjoyed!!

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