the right story this time :')

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     We all entered his house each taking our time to examine the entry way.

     "This is awesome! I cant barley move around in my dorm." Nick exclaimed taking a few steps in the entrance.

     The house was huge. Much bigger inside than it looked from the outside. It was an open floor plan, and you could see the back yard through huge floor to ceiling windows. Infront of us was wide hallway with and archway at the end that you could see the living room from and to the left was a large kitchen with the same island lookout into the living room as mine. Except way more neat and large. To the right was a stairs case that presumably led to some upstairs bedrooms.

     After we all expressed our wows and woahs about his house Clay started giving us the tour. He led us to the living room first having us all leave our bags by the door to collect them later. It was a simple living room with a large sofa and a recliner with a giant tv mounted to the wall. He had a few consoles on the tv stand, that he clearly wasn't using for a tv. To the right of the living room was a basement that had a mini bar, pool table and some pinball machines with a half bathroom attached. He called it the man cave plus Willow I guess. We all got a good laugh out of that. Next we went back upstairs and he showed us a hallways that had the washer and dyer tucked away inside incase we needed it. He showed us the kitchen and were all the snack were in the pantry and told us to help ourselves whenever. He had us grab our stuff and we went upstairs and showed us three guest bedrooms. Karl and Nick decided to share one, seeing as Alex had one but it had a queen instead of a king sized bed so they him have his own. George took the last one and I left my stuff in Clays room seeing as I would probably be switching between his and George's bed a lot. Then he showed us an extra office space that he had turned into Patches personal bedroom. It was filled with cat trees, cat toys and a big plush cat bed tucked into a corner. He showed us where the other two bathrooms were and that was the tour.

     "How did you even afford all this you stream like once a fucking year!" Alex asked sipping from a Capri Sun Clay had got him from the fridge after complaining he was thirsty. Clay playfully rolled his eyes and stepped infront of Alex putting his hands on his legs to stop him from swinging them. Alex's breath hitched in his throat, leaving him there speechless at Clays boldness.

    Clay plucked the Capri Sun from Alex's hands setting it on the counter next to him. He leaned in really close to his face before slowly making his way to his ear. He whispered something to him that made him go red and then burst out laughing falling off the counter and rolling around on the floor.

    "What the fuck," Alex coughed trying to catch his breath but instead just laughing more.

     "It wasn't even that funny," Clay rolled his eyes leaning on the counter and taking a sip from Alex juice box.

    "What- did you even say?" Karl asked almost choking on his giggles from watching the scene unfold.

     "I- I said your mom gave it to me cutie, she gives really good head by the way, heard from a friend." Clay spit out looking at George and I with the same thoughts. George and I exchanged a quick look before giggling a bit while Karl and Nick helped Alex up.

    "What the fuck man! You drank all my juice," Alex pouted throwing away the empty juice pouch.

     "Is it bubble gum or cotton candy chapstick you have on Alex?" Clay asked him casually while grabbing him another juice box out of the fridge.

     I watched Alexs eyes go wide and blink a few times before he turned around thanked Clay as he handed him the juice box. He had that chapstick in his pocket.

    He walked back over to the counter leaning on it, trying to change the subject and completely avoiding the question. "Hey Alex."

     "Whats up Willow?" He looked down at me as I inched toward him and wrapped him in a hug.

      He relaxed into his touch but as he pulled away I reached into his hoodie pocket and grabbed the chapstick skipping my way back to George.

    "Its bubble gum," I smiled and alex immediately patted his hoodie searching for his chapstick.

     "Fuck you all," He playfully rolled his eyes and headed for the living room huffing as he fell back onto the couch.

      "Hey I didn't do anything bubble gum boy," Karl giggled skipping over to him and sitting next to him. Karl readjusted himself so his head was on Alex's lap while Alex reluctantly ran him fingers through Karl's fluffy hair and sipped on his juice.

     "Alright we gotta talk about this whole meet up though cause I don't want the fans to know just yet." Clay explained as the rest of us piled into the living room.

     Nick sat next to Karl with Clay on the end of them all. Nick scooted closer to Alex and leaned towards Clay. Eventually they all got situated with Karl's hips dipping down into the couch and his legs curled on Nick's lap while Nick had his back leaned up again Clay with Clays arms wrapped around him; and Alex was leaning against the arm of the couch still running his hands through Karl's hair.

    George and I had taken a seat on the recliner. George sitting on it horizontally with his legs hanging over the arm and me doing the same.

    "So, eventually they are gonna find out we met up," Nick started.

    "But Clay you don't think it should be just yet." Karl half asked making sure he had it right.

     "What if we just make a vlog and post it once we go home, or make multiple," Alex suggested.

     "Have you done a face reveal Clay?" I asked him readjusting a bit to have the chair recline and lay more on Georges chest.

    "Nope but I did say I wanted to make sure George was here when I did." He answered.

    "Yeah but you also said you wanted it to be on live or at a meetup," Nick added.

     "Okay so what if we lay low and still have fun. Make a few vlogs for our different channels and then like a day before we all part ways we have a feral boys plus Willow if she wants live stream with your face reveal so we can post the vlogs. Or you can wear your mask in each if your not ready," Karl explained after a few minutes of us brainstorming.

    "Sounds good if you all are down, I'll prolly just pull a Ranboo and do mask and glasses incase we get recognized then we do the face reveal live stream, with Willow. Only if you want of course." He added at the end glancing at me.

     "First off all, I have no clue who Ranboo is. Second of all I'll do your stupid live stream with you all. Now how long is everyone staying?" I asked ready for this conversation to be over and go get some real food, Olive Garden is looking real good right now.

     "Maybe a month, month and a half?" Nick said raising his eyebrows and titling his head.

     "Month and a half! You guys seem so cool, only if it's good with it Clay. If not I'll prolly just kidnap them to my apartment." I giggled causing a smile to breakout on everyone's faces.

      "I suppose I can deal with Alex and Nick that long," Clay playfully responded causing Nick to lean his head back and push Clays head slightly.

     "Heyyyyy," Alex whined sticking out his tounge. "I'm not that annoying in fact I'm funny you just don't have the same taste in humour."

     I bursted out laughing at that one causing me to roll off the recliner.

    Alex threw a pillow that was meant to hit clay but it hit Nick instead causing the biggest pillow fight I'd ever been apart of and the funniest one too.

Word count:

Sorry about the switch up last night, I hadn't slept in a hot minute. Anyway heres a real update for this book with the chapter that was posted being moved to the right story. As always have a good day/night drink some water and eat something if you can. You are ALL loved and appreciated. My DMS are always open if you need to talk. All my love



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