That happened, and?

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     It had been a few days since George had admitted his feelings for other people but things were still running smoothly. Because I was still one of those people.

     He had shown me picture of them all, ironically his closest friends and explained why and when he liked them or started liking them.

     And today was the day the first one was coming over. Dream. Or clay for that matter.

     I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing other things to make myself look less like a human trash bag and more like someone I would be happy to meet.

     George and I had both agreed that we wouldn't expose his feelings towards any of the people that I would meet. Which was fair, considering the fact he had been best friends with these people for quite a while now.

     Knock knock knock knock-

     "Yes George?" I asked.


      "You can come in," I said shaking my head a little and chuckling to myself.

      He slowly opened the door and popped his head inside, almost nervous.

      "Whens Clay coming?" I asked George, not removing my eyes  from the mirror where I was putting on some mascara.

      "You want me to Cum?" A slightly deeper voice wheezed from seemingly behind George.

      "What the hell," I questioned turning towards the bathroom door after twisting the brush back into the tube of mascara.

       "This is Clay," George giggled opening the door all the way.

        He was super tall, leaning over George. He had longish dirty blonde hair and the same freckles littered across his face as me. His eyes were a tarnish emerald green and immediately found mine, scanning my eyes then the rest of my face.

       "I love your eyes," Clay said bringing his to them again and studying them.

      "Thanks," I nodded back to him, giving his and George a smile before turning back to the mirror.

      "More makeup Wills?" George whined. "Your pretty without it too you know."

      "Agreed." Clay said. Awful bold of him. George was right, definitely a flirt.

      "Its halfway done I'll be out in a minute." I said shoving them out of the bathroom.

     "Is that your girlfriend George?" Clay whispered, obliviously not quiet enough.

      "I- uh- I dont think so." He stuttered as I heard them start to walk down the hall.

      "Boys," I laughed quietly rolling my eyes and continuing with my makeup.


      After I finished my makeup we decided to go to the arcade.

     "What do you mean your better than me at video games! I do impossible minecraft clutches all the times, there's no way your better."  Clay argured.

     "Are you serious? Jeez your more naive than I thought. I play minecraft to you know," I pouted back, followed by a snort from George.

     "What was that?" Clay wheezed.

      "That was his invalidating me snort. He thinks I suck," I rolled my eyes.

      "No I-" he stuttered before his eyes went wide. "You don't suck, do you?"

Someone to them---Crew boys x OcWhere stories live. Discover now