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Willows pov

I woke up surrounded by half of my boys. I was asleep on Karl, my legs between his, laying on his chest while trying to pace my breathing with his. George was curled up in a ball his back to Karl and I, Karl's arm draped around him gently. Clay was to the right of us one arm under his pillow and one draped over my back holding onto Karl's other hand. I could've stayed like this forever. Key word, could've. That is until to teenage girls burst into the room and started jumping on the edge of the bed, Gracie shaking George and I awake while Cara shook Clay awake.

Clay was having none of it. He shook his head groggily, taking in the sight before him. He let out a low chuckle which caused Cara and Gracie to stop and snap their heads toward him with wide eyes.

He just smirked, the smirk he gives our boy when they are about to hold me down and tickle me, or when they are talking with their eyes again on how to piss me off next.

He slowly got up and gently threw Cara over his left shoulder and held onto her calves tight so she didn't fall he then made his way over to Gracie and carefully put her over his left shoulder and held onto her calves, letting them both hang down his back.

He chuckled walking back to their room and tossing them on their bed. He quickly ran back to our room and locked the door properly so that way you had to unlock it from the inside and not from the key.

By this point George had rolled around and was snoring softly again while Karl twirled my hair around in his fingers, watching Clay.

"I knew you were strong from how you messed that waiter up but damn," Karl giggled using his unoccupied arm to welcome Clay back into the bed.

"I could easily toss you and Willow around like them, you both wouldn't stand a chance." He boasted to which I rolled my eyes, I'm 5'2 of course he could. I'm shorter than Gracie and Cara so it wouldn't be to difficult.

"Doen think I didn't see that princess," he chuckled playfully grabbing my chin to kiss me on the nose, that's what he was going to do, if I hadn't fucked it up again. Its the first time Karl saw me flinch. I thought it had gone away. I already felt bad enough for lying to them in the bathtub the first time we did something together. They were going to find out soon enough but it was the only thing I hadn't told them about.

"Darling," Karl cooed, slowly taking his hand out of my hair and his arm from around Clay. Clay had quickly become frustrated with the flinches. He had made it clear that he wasn't frustrated with me. He was frustrated with Connor, the one who had done it to me, but I couldn't help but feel guilty. His old house still had a hole or two because I flinched at him moving to quick and he got angry at Connor and took it out on the poor wall.

Karl slowly brought his hands towards my face, like I was a stray cat or something. He let them hover above my cheeks and I nodded, granting him permission to keep going.

He cupped my face with his hands, the warm feeling of his hands making my face hot mixed with the contrast of his cold rings. It was comforting.

"Darling?" He asked gently bringing my fave to look at him.

"Hm?" I whispered, not meaning for it to come out as such a small noise.

"You know none of us would ever push you to do or say anything right?"

I gulped, here he goes. I nodded as he continued. "What didn't you tell us?"

This caught Clay attention, to which he had to push himself of the bed and step back. He already knew. He had figured it out. Did I mention I thought he could read my mind sometimes?

Karl's breath hitched at the thought. He whipped his head around to face Clay. Them communicating through their eyes again. Fuck.

"I don't want to assume." Karl started, trying to hold back his tears. "Did h-he?" He whimpered barley meeting my eyes.

I couldn't form words. I tried to. Yeah, Connor hit me and manipulated me but I thought he deserved it from me. I thought he deserved my body because he tricked me into thinking like that. I learned that it was far from the truth and had almost gotten over it. Though, you never can really fully 'get over it' can you?

Judging by my lack of words they both took it as a yes. Clay was gone. There was a slammed door and he was gone. There was going to be problems if we didn't find him.

Word count: 839

Sorry for the short chapter, I just figured this was a good place to stop. Thank you so much for reading, have a good day/night and drink some water. Remember that you are ALL loved and appreciated and my messages are always open if you need someone to listen.

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