got the gang back together

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     "Hey mi amour, come pick me up?" He asked in a rather calm voice. I could hear the noisey airport around him, everyone rushing around as he kept full composure.

    "Y-youre here?" I stuttered out, glancing between the fading carnival and Clay.

     "Airport?" Clay whispered l, his eyes lighting up. I nodded as Alex started talking again.

     "I finished early, my parents decided to stay back, mom came down with a stomach bug." I could barley keep in my squeals as Clay quickly pulled out of the parking lot and started speeding towards the airport.

     We got there in record time. I gave Clay just enough time to park before i sprang out of the car, bolting towards the front where all the car rentals and taxis were. And there he was. His dumb beanie peeking over one of the taxis. He couldn't see me yet, so I had a slight advantage but I didn't take more than a few seconds to sprint to him. Letting myself be suffocated in his arms. He held on tight, quickly realizing it was me. He bent down a bit, almost asking to pick me up. I jumped, and he caught me, pulling himself closer, burying his face in my neck. He took a deep breath and then gently set me down, kissing the top of my head.

     "God I missed you," he smiled down at me. He brushed a loose piece of my hair behind my ear and pulled me in for another hug.

     I just nodded in agreement, he goy what I meant. I finally had all my boys again. When he finally let go, I stepped back and let Clay give him a hug. I looked around taking in the view. I was surrounded by my people. The people I care about. The sun was just barley peeking over the horizon now, letting its rays latch onto anything they could, for a few moments more of shine. Then I saw someone familiar. Chandler.

     "I'll be right back," i whispered, trying not to interrupt their moment. I got a small nod from Clay, so i started making my way towards him. He wasn't alone though, there was a tall man, that looked just like him standing in-between him and- HANNAH?!? I picked up my pace, eventually catching up to them and tapping Chandler on the shoulder.

    "Willow!" He smiled and hugged me. I gave him a quick squeeze back and turned to Hannah. We hadn't talked in forever, she hadn't been returning any of my calls or texts, so this was clearly a surprise for both of us.

     "Willow..." she said with a half smile, trying to sound enthusiastic, "I see you've met" she blinked a few times letting in set in.

     "Well one of them." Chandler giggled and pointed to the other guy standing next to them, "Thats Zach....hes weird." Chandler whispered the last part, causing a bit of a giggle to erupt from me. Hannah started laughing as well, and like usual we fed off each other. By the time Clay and Alex had made it over to us, we were almost on the ground rolling. We were both laughing so hard it took us a good 5 minutes to calm down. Meanwhile the boys just kind of stood there, like that one emoji, clueless and not knowing what to do.

     "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my brother. I was worried you'd look at me different, and I love our friendship the way it is." She sighed, after finally catching her breath.

    "It's okay. I don't blame you, but why not at least text me back?" I asked, still a bit hurt that she had been avoiding my messages.

    "I've been traveling a lot back and forth from Florida and I didn't want to lie to you anymore. I was trying to figure out a way to tell you." She looked down, possibly embarrassed, but most definitely feeling a bit guilty. I watched her eyes as they made their way to my hands, which had been taken by Alex and Clay.

    "I- uh. Hannah meet my boyfriends, Clay and Alex." She looked at me with wide eyes. 

     "It's nice to meet you two," She quickly smiled and stuck out her hand. Hannah was talk. Much like her brothers, so when Clay went to shake her hand she yanked him in and whispered something to him. It was now his turn to have his eyes go wide.

    "I promise that is never going to happen, I wouldn't even think of it." He assured her and she smiled taking a step back to her brothers.

   "It was great running into you guys but I've got a flight to catch, I'll see you back in Florida Wills." She turned away and started walking with her brothers, all three of them giving us a small wave.

"What did she say to you?" I giggled leading my boys back to the car. 

   "Ah just the usual. Threatening to murder me in slow, painful ways if I ever hurt you." He chucked a bit peeking over at Alex.

    "yeah," he paused slightly shaking his head, "The usual." 

   I rolled my eyes and we finally got to the car. Clay helped Alex put his bags in the back, trying to shove it in with the prizes and trinkets we got from the carnival. Eventually we arrived back home. the jolt of the car waking most of them up. Karl was the first one to notice Alex and the screech, left all of our ears a bit more damaged.

Authors note:

I am so sorry it took me so long to update again. I've been going through alot at home, and school. Started dating someone and wow, that was a big mistake. But writing a story about love and a relationship, almost made it hurt more. But thats besides the point. Im back now. So heres the first of hopefully two or three chapters today. (but don't hold me to that because i want to put out good content, and not something ive rushed through.) If anyone hasn't told you today, I'm proud of you, and Im so appreciative of every single one of you. Make sure you drink some water, and if you ever need to talk about anything, feel free to DM me.

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