him- ick

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   It had been a day since they left and I already felt out of place. I snuggled up to Tobi, gently wrapping my arms around him while running my fingers through his soft white fur.

     Patches, Clays cat, whom was previously watching us from the end of Clays bed, had clearly grown envious of the attention Tobi was getting and pranced onto my pillow laying just above my head.

    We had picked Tobi up from my mothers house shortly after we dropped of our boyfriends at the airport. I made Clay stay in the car, after we all had agreed to meet families all together. Tobi is my cat, he has fluffy white fur and eyes that somewhat ressemble mine. One of my eyes are blue and the other brown. Same with Tobi except one of his is a mix of emerald green and piss yellow instead of brown.

    Tobi and Patches get along very well, them both grateful to have some well deserved company.

    Patches head butted me a few times, purring like a mad man, trying to get some attention. I unhooked one of my arms from Tobi and stretched it up to Patches softly scratching her head.

    I must have let myself drift to sleep because the next thing I knew I opened my eyes to find myself on top of Clay, not cats to be found.

    "Mornin' princess," Clay beamed down at me, sliding a piece of my hair behind my ear.

     "Morning," I smiled back knowing full and well it was nowhere near the morning. "I think I've woken up like this before." I joked remembering the first night Clay spent in my apartment, when I woke up and made out with him thinking it was George.

      "I think I remember that," he chuckled a bit.

      I sighed, laying my head on his chest and tracing small shapes with my fingers onto his bicep.

     "I miss them too," Clay spoke up after a few minutes. Sometimes I swore he could read my mind.

      "Its just- I feel bad I guess. We get to be together and they are all alone," I explained, "And its only been a day but it just feels empty without them all."

      "I know princess, I completely understand cause I feel the same," he let out a heavy breath, "Pancakes?"

      "Pancakes." I agreed, "I don't feel like cooking though."

       "IHop?" He asked letting his fave brighten for a moment.

        "Definetly." I nodded slowly rolling off of him. I crawled to the end of them bed and began digging through Clays closet for a hoodie to wear.

        I bent down to reach for the hoodie of Clays that was my favorite and spotted one of Nicks hoodie folded neatly in the corner. I reached for it causing a small sticky note to flutter off of it as I pulled the hoodie towards me. I snatched the note from the floor scanning it quickly, it read:

    One of you will find this, you'll find it when its needed. Miss you both,


     I smiled, standing up and handing the note to a very curious Clay who was waiting for it patiently at the edge of the bed.

     "Hes so sweet." Clay chuckled slightly shaking his head and getting up, walking over to his pc and sticking the note to his monitor.

     I slipped on Nicks hoodie, the smell of his cologne washing over me as I readjusted it so the sleeves weren't completely hanging off my hands.

     I laced up my converse while Clay put a shirt on and slid on his crocs.

    "Ready?" He asked holding out his hand and grabbing his keys.

     "Mhm," I nodded accepting his hand and following him out the front door.

     We drove in a comfortable silence, the only sound being the slight hum of the car and the radio which we couldn't really hear.

      Clay quickly found a parking spot and rushed out of the car to my side, swinging open the door with a cheesy grin.

     I let out a small laugh and shook my head as he helped my out of the car. We walked across the parking lot hand in hand until I spotted an all to familiar car that made my stomach drop.

     Clay imediatley noticed my slight pause, knowing something was wrong.

     "You okay princess?" He questioned, glancing over at my as he tried to follow my line of sight.

     "Yeah! Just realizing how hungry I am." I said, trying to convince him and myself that everything was fine. Everything was not fine.

     That was Connors car.

    "THATS WHY YOU DAD DIED!" He shouted at me, it was the third time in the last two days that he had brought up my father, each time getting more and more violent.

     "NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU, YOUR JUST A USELESS WHORE WHOS ONLY USE IS SEX!" Connor continued shouting and slowly backing me into a corner while I uncontrollably sobbed.

     My cheeks were red and tear stained, my eyes puffy and red. I couldn't take it anymore. "SHUT UP!" I screamed back at him. I had never talked back, I knew he was toxic and manipulative but I could never bring myself to leave. He had so much leverage over me and for what reason? Because he was a guy? Because he was taller and stronger?

     Than I felt it. My cheek stung and I imediatley brought my hand to my face cupping my cheek gently. He hit me.

     He towered over me holding his hand in realization of what he had done. "You deserved it, you don't ever speak to me like that again." He growled pulling my hand away from my cheek and grabbing my chin to look at him.

    "Got it?" He seethed.

     I nodded and hiccuped trying to hold back my tears.

    "Princess, come on." Clay said playfully dragging me up to the door, trying to snap me out of whatever mood I was in.

    I put on the most convincing fake smile I could and followed him into IHop, waiting at the front for someone to show us to a table.

    "Table f-for-" Connor stuttered turning the corner to find Clay and I waiting for a table. I watched him scan me and then Clay, his eyes finding mine with pure hatred behind them. I swear I saw his eye twitch as he grabbed two menus completley ignoring Clay as he responded polielty.

     I shiver ran down my spine as Clay happily followed him, if only he knew.

    He shoved the menus into our hands an walked over but not before giving me anyone death stare, almost promising that as soon as he got a hold of me- back things were bound to happen.

    "Whats wrong with him- ick," Clay whispered as he walked off, "He must have a fairly large stick up his ass today."

     I tried to laugh at that. I really did try. I wanted to put on a brave face for Clay, but with the guys leaving and seeing him I physically couldn't hold up a mask anymore.

     "C-clay-?" I asked my voice cracking as an unwelcomed tear slid down my cheek.

      "Sorry princess do you know him? I shouldn't have said that. Are you okay?" He questioned, leaning over the table and cupping my face quickly causing me to flinch.

      His eyes widened and he pulled away frantically. He was shocked, I would never un-see his face.

      "Princess..." He stood up standing infront of my seat and opening his arms. I slowly stood up, reluctantly accepting his embrace. "I know a better place for pancakes if your up for it." He offered softly in my ear.

      I nodded and he led me out of IHOP and back into the car.

Word count: 1309

Sorry I havent uploaded recently, been going through some personal stuff. I'll try to publish more frequently but as always have a good day/night, drink some water and thanks for reading!


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