I love yo- it I love it

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     "Alright we have 15 thousand tickets what do you guys want?" Clay asked turning away from the ticket counter and dragging us over to the prize room.

    I pointed to the stitch on the wall. Stitch was wearing a tropical button up and was holding a blunt. "That one its so cute."

     "Of course you would want that one Wills," George chuckled grabbing the Stitch.

     It was only 7 thousand so we had over half to spend still. Clay handed me the plushie after paying the tickets and I squeezed it tight. "I love yo- it I love it, thank you Clay."

     He just chuckled shaking his head a bit, "Course."

     Clay ended up getting a diamonds sword key chain and some candy whilst George got a pair of checkered clout goggles and a yo-yo.

     We hopped back in the car; Clay driving with me and George in the back seat.

    "I'm taking you guys on a date," he said. It wasn't a question, we were going on a date.

     We nodded and he pulled into Bd's Mongolian grill a few minutes later. I loved this place.

    (Its like a make your own stir fry place. They have a bar of raw meat and toppings and you load a bowl up and they cook it infront of you. Its my favorite place to eat.)

     "I love this place," I smiled as Clay opened the back door, letting George and I slide out before grabbing our hands and walking inside.

     We each ate about 2 and a half bowls of stir fry and at least 3 sodas each, we were stuffed.

     "Holy shit, I my stomach has never been so happy and angry at the same time," George chuckled leaning his head back and holding his stomach.

     "I know, I'm about to have hella gas," Clay wheezed gripping his stomach as well.

     "We might wanna stop by Walmart for some febreeze than," I teased and they laughed harder.

     Eventually we payed and made our way back to my apartment. And by we I mean the guys forced me to let them split it.

      "So you guys know how I asked the others to fly in?" George asked as I unlocked the front door; immediately heading for my bedroom.

     "Yeah, they're coming in a week or so right? So we have time to like- prepare?" I replied sliding my closet open on a search for something comfier.

     "Well- I not exactly. They may or may not be flying in tomorrow," He chuckled nervously.

     "I cant wait! Only sap and you two have seen my face, I cant wait to meet Quackity and Karl in real life." Clay smiled hugging George.

     I had barley had time to get to know Clay and now three others were going to be here. In my tiny ass apartment? Don't get me wrong. I couldn't wait to meet them, they all seemed so sweet and genuine but I couldn't help but feel a little over-welmed.

     "Don't worry Wills, well stay at my house, I've got plenty of extra rooms," Clay assured me, giving me a hug and handing me a shirt. I haven't known this boy for very long but it was almost as if he could read my mind.

     I quickly changed into the shirt and some of Georges basket ball shorts while they put on some comfy clothes and we settled down in the living room for some cuddles and movies.


    "Yeah ok, on our way," Clay nodded hanging up the phone.

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