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    A/n / Cw, this chapter is kind of just a smut/fluff chapter so feel free to skip if you need. If there's anything important that happens I will give a summary at the begining of next chapter.

      I woke up shivering. I reached for the blanket but ended up grabbing someones face.

     "Sorry," I mumbled opening my eyes a bit more to see who I had grabbed.

     "Its ok princess. Ugh my head," Clay grumbled crawling back up to the top of the bed and digging his face into a pillow.

     Alex was beside me completely curled up in the comforter. "You look snug." I said poking him lightly.

    He rolled over and let me and Clay have some of the blanket. I grabbed a pillow snuggling into it and pulling my legs up to it.

    I was just about to fall back asleep when Alex pulled me over to his burying his head into the crook of my neck.

   "Hey-" Clay whined moving the pillow out of the way to pull me back over to him.

    This went on for about five more minutes before I finally pulled clay over to Alex and I so we were all snuggling.

    Clay smiled at Alex giving him a peck on the nose.

    I heard someone giggle and run down the hallway shouting look at this!

    I rolled my eyes and tried to climb out of bed but was was pulled back down and pinned.

    "No don't leave yet." Clay whined gently kissing my neck.

    "Yeah we want more cuddles," Alex added running his hand over my thigh.

    "Boy-ys," I stuttered, Clay starting to suck at a sensitive spot a little harder.

     "What is it mi amour?" Alex asked, putting on an innocent voice and looking up at me.

      Clay continued to mark that spot on my neck while Alex leaned up to kiss me.

    I melted into their touch, accidently letting a tiny moan slip into Alex's mouth. He pulled away smirking but quickly started to kiss me again, still running one of his hands along my thigh.

    Clay finished giving me a hickey and pulled away from my neck running his thumb along the mark.

    Alex pulled away and leaned over me smiling at the hickey and Clay.

    "You boys are something else." I giggled and crawled out of bed, this time with then following instead of holding me back.

     We made our way to the kitchen where we found the rest of our boyfriends in a mix of boxers and t-shirts. Nick was as hyper as ever chuckling at his phone with George. While Karl was in the kitchen, making coffee judging off the smell.

    "Morning," Karl greeted giving Alex and Clay a kiss on the cheek before going to give me one and stopping. He looked at my neck and then back to me smiling. He gave me a quick kiss on the neck, as to point out the hickey but not verbally say anything.

    He handed me a cup of tea and Alex and Clay their usual mugs of coffee.

    "Got a headache?" He asked Clay and Alex.

     "Not to bad," Clay responded walking over to the couch and sitting down beside Nick.

    "Not really," Alex assured him, also making his way to the couch and carefully sitting down so he didn't spill his coffee.

     Karl and I followed them, sitting on Georges side. I set my tea down on the coffee table and leaned my head on Karl's shoulder. Partly to cover up the hickey George would give me a hard time for and partly to cover up the hickey that Nick would try to copy.

Someone to them---Crew boys x OcWhere stories live. Discover now