love, a funny thing really.

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   I locked eyes with Karl who was still moving as slowly as he could. Not me though. Within 1 minute I had my shorts and crocs on, in sports mode of course, and I was bolting down the hallway. We were on the third floor, and Clay would've taken the stairs to get more anger out, meaning the elevator was my fastest option considering my legs did not mix well with stair cases.

      "Willow!" Karl shouted from down the hall.

      I held the elevator open and he sprinted inside, jamming the close door button.

     That elevator ride was the longest 20 seconds of my life. Karl and I were both incredibly nervous and it wasn't going well for either of us. I just hoped we would get there before Clay punched an innocent receptionist.

      "You look outside near the hotel, I'll stay by the doors," I told Karl and he nodded rushing out of the elevator and through the lobby.

       I followed quickly behind him, my eyes darting around the room looking for my enraged boyfriend.

     Karl was barley a step out of the door when I found Clay broke down sobbing behind the vending stations.

    My face softened as I slowly approached him, waving over Karl before I got to close. He would never hurt any of us but he was vulnerable right now and I didn't know if he wanted to be left alone.

    "Clay?" I whispered kneeling down infront of him. He slowly lifted his head to look at me. His eyes studied my face, scanning every inch, looking for an emotion that I couldn't quite pin point.

     Before I could register anything else about his face he pulled me onto him. It was comforting, he was squeezing but not to where I couldn't breathe. He sobbed into my shoulder, soaking my shirt with his tears. Karl had jogged over and sat beside him, rubbing his back softy. We stayed like that for a few more minutes before he finally let go of me and let Karl help him up.

    Karl gave him a piggy back ride while I walked beside them, opening the elevator for them and then the hotel room door.

     We walked in and Karl let Clay down onto the bed, taking off his shoes as Clay crawled back under the covers. Karl and I exchanged a worried look. George was awake now and seemingly in the shower since the water was running. Karl crawled after Clay to comfort him and I headed for the bathroom since I really had to pee.

     I knocked softly on the door which was followed by a 'come in' from George.

     I opened the door and shut it behind me making my way to the toilet to do my buisness. After I flushed the toilet and got ready to brush my teeth George popped out a hand for a towel. I giggled and handed him one as I squeezed some tooth paste onto my tooth brush. He came out with a towel loosely wrapped around his hips, shaking the water out of his hair.

    "Hey!" I squealed gently pushing him away since he got me wet.

     "Sorry Wills," he chuckled stepping back towards me. He put his hands on my hips and spun me around to face him, setting my tooth brush back on the counter before I could start brushing. "I missed you guys so much," he whispered into my ear, tucking a strand of my hair behind it.

    "Trust me we missed you too," I smiled back pressing my fore head to his and looking down. My eyes went wide as I noticed a large purple and red mark on the right side of his chest, about midway down his ribcage. There was a bump, maybe half and inch or so, sticking out. The surrounding area was patchy and swollen. A mix of purples and red swirled together to create a dark bruise.

    I couldn't help but let out a small gasp, to which he pulled away realizing what I was staring at.

    "Georgie," I whimpered stepping up to him similar to a few seconds ago and put my hands on his waist. He watched my hands intensely as I ran one up the right side of his chest being extra careful around the bruise. I inspected it and sure enough it seemed like his rib was dislocated if not broken.

     "You need to go to the ER," I stuck my bottom lip out running my hands back down to his waist and leaving them there. He looked down past me with a look of shame taking over his face.

    "I- I know but he- if I dont go he didnt do it, h-how am I supposed to belive my own dad actually-" his voice cracked leaving him slightly shaking and holding onto my lower back. He rested his head on my shoulder trying to hide his tears.

     I lifted his head up gently, softly holding onto his chin, making him look at me. "He doesn't deserve you. If he cant see how worthy and strong, and brave you are, he doesn't deserve you. Georgie, I've known you since we were children, all you have ever shown me is love and support. You showed me kindness, and how to be strong and not take anyone's bullshit. You showed me that I could trust people, you showed me how to love. You, and Karl, Alex, Nick and Clay inspire me every day. Everyday. And I am so proud of every single one of you. Your all so funny, and you light up every room you walk into. You are worthy of every good thing that has happen to you, and don't you ever forget that. I love you, you know that. Those boys out there love you, the boys across the country love you," I smiled at him and he nodded. I wiped the tears off his face and held his hand as we walked out into the bedroom to explain that we need to take a quick trip to the ER.

Word count: 1019

Next chapter do you guys want ER trip details or Nick flying in? Thank you so much for reading, have a good day/night and drink some water. Remember that you are ALL loved and appreciated and my messages are always open if you need someone to listen.


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