ER's- so much fun

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So there I was driving Clays car through Raleigh, North Carolina, on the way to the ER to get my boyfriend's rib checked out. Clay next to me squeezing the shit out of my extra hand. George in the back propped up with a pillow, next to Karl who was gently drawing shapes on his thigh.

"Ok, you boys ready?" I asked as Clay hit the call button on my phone, dialing Mrs.Notfound.

"Are you all alright?" She asked frantically.

"Yes mom, they are taking me to the ER for my rib." George replied.

"George you told me it wasn't that bad," she sounded pike she was about to cry, if she hadn't been previously.

"Mom really its ok, I'll be fine," he assured her, even if he knew that everyone in this car knew he wasn't ok.

"Alright then George, your grown and can make your own decisions. I love you and me and the girls will be down at the skating rink they are begging me to take them too."

"Bye mom, I love you." He responded and she hung up.

"Alright were here, do you want me to drop you all up at the front so you don't have to walk to far?" I asked, pulling into the ER parking lot.

"No I'll be fine," George replied before anyone else had another say.

I glanced at Clay and he nodded cautiously as I tried to find the closest parking spot. I ended up finding one a few rows down, maybe 50 feet away from the building.

Clay and I unbuckled our seatbelts making our way around the car to the side Karl and George were closest to. Clay opened the door and I stood infront of it helping Karl, help George out of the car.

Clay and Karl each wrapped one of Georges arms around their shoulders, attempting to release some of the pressure from georges ribs.

I locked the car, trailing slowly behind them, as they helped George limp towards the doors.

After about fifteen minutes we were at the front desk explaining to the nurse what had happened. I watched her face as she cooed, and 'aw' ed and pouted at Georges story. Clay, Karl and I kept exchanging jealous looks as George slowly came to the realization of what she was doing.

"Alright, lets see it so I can see how quickly we need to get you back there," she winked as she came around the counter. She brushed me to the side, taking a place infront of MY boys. As soon as she reached for Georges shirt I winced, she was pushing it.

"Oh poor guy, this looks awful. You must be so strong to have dealt with this for so long," she cooed, feeling around his torso, no where near the injury. By the time she got to his abs, I had enough.

"Yes my boyfriend is so strong isn't he." I gave her a fake smile, pushing past her to infront of George and tugging his shirt down. She pulled her hand away in disgust and rolled her eyes making her way back around the counter.

"Alright, you handsome man, I'll have you back there as soon as possible. And you all-" she waved her finger at us, "Can wait out here."

I scoffed. She was crazy if she thought that George would be comfortable going anywhere with her. Crazy.

Karl and Clay just blinked rapidly, knowing that I was going to pop. George looked more uncomfortable than before, not really enjoying confrontation. And me, well I was about to dive over this stupid counter, to punch that stupid bitch, in her stupid face.

Clay took most of Georges weight off Karl and guided him over to the seats. I however stood as still as a statue, my arms crossed, the keys dangling from my hand, my eyes twitching. Karl gently wrapped him arms around my back, and lifted me off the ground enough to get me over to the seats. They were all facing away, besides me. My eyes still locked on her. She stuck out her tounge at me and turned around, speed walking herself behind the doors.

Karl sat me down on his lap while Clay tried to get George into a comfortable enough position to sit and wait, but his rib only kept getting worse, the pain leaving him in a tense state.

After about 20 minutes a new nurse came out and called Georges name, welcoming us all to follow him back.

We watched as they checked his vitals, (temperature, blood pressure, etc). Eventually they put us in a room with a small hospital bed in the middle and a short love seat in the corner. They put an IV in, apparently he was short on something, thought I don't remember what. They did and X-ray and an ultra sound, just in case any bit of the broken rib had floated somewhere it shouldn't have. Luckily all it was, was a broken rib.

"Alright-" the doctor smiled as he clapped his hands together, "We have prescribed you pain meds, the best thing you can do right now is these breathing exercises," he handed George a packet with a man struggling to breath on the front, "And rest, it'll take about 3 to 6 weeks to fully heal so in the mean time, no lifting anything over 10 pounds, no stretching, pulling or pushing anything and no sexual activities." He smiled and led us out of the building, George feeling a bit better as he was on pain managing medicine and couldn't feel his rib as much anymore.

Clay was still trying to hold back his laughter from the doctor saying sexual activities and Karl was just smiling enjoying the company.

As we walked out of the building the nurse from before had the audacity to walk up to George and hand him a small folded up piece of paper. She walked away with a wink, over swaying her hips as she walked, clearly craving some attention.

George sighed and tossed the paper out, hearing a scoff as we exited the building. Boy, ER's are fun.

Word count:1033

This story has 15K READS?!?! WHAT THE HELL. Thank you all so much, your comments are always so sweet and funny and usually are the reason I keep writing. And of course a s always thank you so much for reading, have a good day/night and drink some water. Remember that you are ALL loved and appreciated and my messages are always open if you need someone to listen.

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