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After George posted that picture all of my fyp and explore pages were completely full of conspiracies and speculations on what that picture was. Because all he captioned it was :) as to not give them any more information.

The week after that passed smoothly. Thats not true. There were massive potholes everywhere.

The first was when Nick accidently walked in on Clay changing but he didn't see anything below his waist. He was red for the rest of that day and didn't make eye contact with Clay for hours.

George accidently tripped and fell on top of Karl, their faces inches apart with them both leaning in, before Alex walked in and almost choked when he saw.

Alex had dug himself a grave after bickering with Clay over monopoly, claiming that he cheated and ended up getting himself backed into a wall and was totally flustered. Lets just say Clay was quite happy with himself.

And I had very close, very suspicious interactions with them all. One day George had caught me off guard one day and started kissing me against the wall in Clays room and Karl walked in. We quickly pulled apart as he stared at us with red ears and a flushed face so I said, "By all means come join us." He blinked one to many times, clearly thinking about it. Before giggled and shaking his head and walking out.

A different time Nick, Alex and I were playing Minecraft taking turns. I switched places with Nick accidently brushing my ass against a certain spot. He didn't come back for a while.

Or when Alex and I were making pancakes for the other since we were up first and we reached for the spatula and our hands touched. Like in those stupid movies where their hands touched in the popcorn and then they made out. But this wasn't like the other times when I held his hand. This was somehow different so I stepped up to him and he was staring at my lips until Karl walked in and he backed away. He was going to kiss me.

So now it was halfway into the second weak and we could cut the sexual tension with a pair of scissors. We were all sat around a table at IHop looking at each other and not saying a word. Not one word had been exchanged except for our orders. And that's saying something because these boys weren't quiet.

"Boys," I spoke up. I couldnt handle it anymore. Their eyes immediately shot to me. "Clearly we need to talk."

"Clearly," Clay agreed shaking him head.

"Talk about what?" Alex asked.

"Don't be stupid Alex. That spatula? Monopoly? And Nick what about Minecraft or What you saw? Karl what were you contemplating? What about tripping?" All their faces went red and they looked down as George, Clay and I exchanged knowing glances. Our hunch was right.

"Y-you guys are dating. I d-don't know what your on about." Alex continued. He wasn't a very good liar.

"Don't make me push you up against that counter again," Clay warned teasingly as Alex pulled his beanie over his face. "I would do much more than just walk away again."

"N-not now. We're in Ihop," Alex stuttered again. This Alex was different. It wasn't the loud, charismatic, goofy Alex. This was flustered Alex this was- oh shit. He's....

"Are Clays words getting to you?" I teased.

His eyes widened looking up at me and almost choking on his pancakes.

"I have no clue what your talking about." He said clearing his throat as I made eye contact with Clay and raised my eyebrows. He got the memo.

Alexs head shot up once again, this time letting his eyes close for just a second. I looked around the table. Clay was smirking widely. George was looking at me almost giggling a bit after figuring out what was going on. Meanwhile Karl and Nick were staring at each other with red faces while shoveling the rest of their food in their mouths.

Clay whispered something in Alex's ear and he nodded. "Ok we can talk just not here." He finally agreed.

So we all quickly ate the rest of our food before heading back to the car.

We got back to the house and put the left overs in the fridge before we all took a seat in the living room. It wasn't anything like when they first got here. We were all awkwardly sat apart with no physical contact at all.I

"Clearly we all have things we need to say," I started. These boys would have sat here for hours and got no where if I didn't.

"It will make things awkward," Nick defended. He wasn't going to be easy.

"More awkward then they already are? Nick look at us." I snapped back while he looked around. We were all sat up straight and spaced apart at least a foot.

"I like you guys-" Karl spat out. We all turned to look at him. I smiled brightly at he dug his head into a pillow, embarrassed.

"Thats a start," Clay smiled pulling Karl towards him; getting Karl to finally look up at him. Karl relaxed into Clays arms and leaned against him.

"How would a 6 way relationship even work?" Alex asked.

"We would have five partners to kiss and cuddle and spend time with," George said, "I've had a huge crush on all off you for the longest time."

"That's why you never told Clay you loved him," Nick said clearly having an Ah ha moment.

"Clearly you idiot," I giggled pushing myself off the ground to sit next to Nick and Clay.

"I am not an idiot," He pouted looking at me.

"Well then if you don't want to be an idiot why don't you be our boyfriend? Why don't you all?" I asked looking between a red Alex and a very comfy Karl.

Karl just nodded, having accepted the fact that he has a few crushes, Alex sat there with a smile and bright red ears and when I looked back at Nick he pulled me in.

I immediately kissed him back. They all wore different flavored chapstick. Nicks was apples. Like the specialty fall flavor. I like it.

"I'll take that as a yes?" Clay asked as I pulled away from Nick breathless.

"Mhm," he nodded.

Word count:1071

Thanks for reading have a good day/night drink some water and eat something if you can. You are ALL loved and appreciated. :) <3


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