your not even supposed-

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TW!!! Underage drinking

   I sat down on a couch with all of their candy. They had gone to get drinks. Although I made Nick and Alex promise they would stick to punch or lemonade, I knew that wasn't going to happen. The best excuse they could come up with is the fact that the legal drinking age across the ocean is 18.

    I sighed as I watched them all come back with a drink in their hands and an extra in Karl's, seemingly mine.

   Karl smiled and handed it to me, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

   "Thanks," I tried smiling. I don't drink. I've seen what it does to people. I've seen what is does to my dad. I smelled the drink giving an even bigger smile when I realized it was root beer.

    "Of course," Karl grinned back.

    Alex quickly became more intrigued by the candy instead of the alcohol. He dug through the bags in search of 'the best candy' but he wouldn't tell us what that was.

   "Dance with me," Nick said grabbing my hand.

   "Whatever you say Blossom." I giggled earning myself a side eye ad he dragged me to the middle of the room where everyone else was dancing.

    I smiled and started dancing a bit mainly watching a slightly intoxicated Nick dance like one of the blow up balloon men infront of the car dealerships.

    "How many drink have you had Nick?" I asked trying to hold back my laugher ad he tripped over himself almost landing on his ass if if weren't for Clay. The other boys say this and joined us wanting to get a good laugh out of him.

    Eventually I ended up leaning on George slowly swaying to whatever pop song they had put on. I looked up at him. Karl, George and I had been the only ones to get soda instead of alcohol so they were both still in their right minds trying to stop a wasted Clay and totally fucked up Alex and Nick from further embarrassing themselves.

    "I guess its a good thing its my turn to drive today," I chuckled watching Nick, Alex and Clay surround Karl and start dancing a bit dirtier than usual.

    "Yeah I guess so," George agreed peeking over to what I was watching.

    "You wanna get them out of here before clothes start coming off?" I half joked and he nodded vigurously. "Alrighty my horny boyfriends I think its time to go."

     "Awee, but were having funnnn," Alex giggled looking back at a very flustered Karl.

     "Yeah I know and you guys can have all the fun you want when your back home." George grabbed Nick, I grabbed Alex and Karl grabbed Clay.

     We picked up their candy bags and helped them into the back seat. George sat on Karls lap seeing as he was the only one besides me with clear vision. Leaving Alex up front with me. Oh what an awful mistake.

    Alex quickly started pressing buttons. Not only the cars but mine. He reclined and stat up his chair over and over again until I finally had enough and grabbed his thigh. He squeaked and looked over at me. The tips of his ears were bright red and he had a thin layer of blush covering his face.

    "W-what are you doing," he stuttered his train of thinking suddenly coming back with a wave of governess.

     "Making you stop." I said massaging his inner thigh a bit causing him to gasp. "Do you want me to stop?"

     In no way was I going to take advantage of him. I had never had an initamate moment with any of them besides Clay and it sure as hell wasn't going to be while they were tipsy.

    "N-no please don't," he stuttered looking down and blinking a few times before grasping the middle console as I continued to massage it.

     "Alex, I'm not going to do anything more than this until your sober." I warned him. I didn't want to tease him or lead him on. That would just be cruel.

     "Underst-tood." He nodded.

     I continued driving leaving my hand on Alex's thigh, drawing small circles with my fingers. I loved these boys more than I loved myself.

    By the time we got home the whole back seat was filled with light snores and Alex was begining to see clearly again.

    "How are we going to get them all in? There's no way I could carry them," I giggled moving my hand to help prop myself up to peek into the backseat.

     "Wake them up one by one, and who's sleeping with who?" Alex questioned quietly unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door.

     "Clay is the heaviest sleeper and since we arent asleep yet well sleep in his bed with the other three in the guest," I suggested quietly undoing my seat belt as well.

      Alex nodded and gently opened the back door. "Georgie- Karl," he whispered grabbing Georges hands and wrapping them around his shoulders. George whined about Alex waking him up but reluctantly stood up with Alex's help. He whined until Alex bent down giving him a piggy back ride into the house.

    I circled around the car and helped Karl who was still half asleep but by far still the easiest to presuade to move. He mumbled thanks you's all the way inside.

    Alex was helping George out of the leotard and into a shirt. Meanwhile Karl had kicked off his jeans and unbuttoned his lab coat flopping down in bed. "Love you guys," he mumbled causing me and Alex to jerk our heads towards each other in surpirse.

    "Love you too," I whispered, Alex's I love you's following close after.

     "You get Clay, I'll get nick." Alex said and I nodded following him back out to the car.

     Alex wrapped Nicks arms around his neck, helping him into the house like he had a broken foot.
     Clay on the other hand was a job on his own.

     "Clay, baby. Come on lets go to bed."

     "Mhm. No," he mumbled back.

     "Clay come on," I tugged on his arm. He fell onto his side laying across the back seat.

     "Nooooo," he whined shaking his arm out of my grip.

     I struggled for about 10 more.miutrs before Alex came out of the house again.

     He peeked inside the car sighing. He got inside hovering over Clay and whispered something I couldn't hear in his ear.

     His eyes quickly shot open and Alex climbed off, Clay following quickly.

     "I've never seen you move that fast besides when I-" then it hit me. Alex said something dirty that seemed to have gotten every bit of his horny attention.

     I giggled shaking my head as Clay forgot about what Alex had said his eyes quickly drooping again. Alex and I chuckled at each other each grabbing one of Clays arms and locking the car. We guided him inside, carefully helping him up the stairs and into his room.

    He hit the sheets before we even had time to help him into comfier clothes.

    "Guess he's sleeping in the leotard." Alex chuckled starting to remove his costume.

      I turned around untying my converse and kicking them somewhere random.

      I unbuttoned my dress and threw it behind me and turned to the closet to look for a comfy shirt.

     Alex tossed something at me and I turned around to catch it. I held it up realizing that it was one of his shirts which I gladly slipped on.

    I was imdediatley met with a wave of his cologne. I smiled as he pulled on a pair of shorts and we carefully climbed into bed to the left of Clay. Alex wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest.

Word count: 1309

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a great day/night and drink some water! Remember that you are all loved and appreciated!! <3


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