your- well your here.

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I looked around the airport, scanning every where for the raven haired boy. I had been walking around for 15 minutes now trying to find him.

I turned the corner deciding to check baggage claim for the 4th time and there he was. I felt the dormant butterflies in my stomach start to flutter around again when he made eye contact with me. I bolted toward him jumping into his arms like in the movies. Cheesy, I know. He hugged me, spinning around while holding me up. He was taller than I expected maybe like 5'9? He smelled amazing, like cinnamon colounge.

He gently set me on my feet his arms still around me. He let go and stepped back looking me up and down. "Your short," he giggled. I rolled my eyes and pouted. I'm 5'2 and a half. Its average height.

"Im average for a girl," I said looking him up and down. He was in a hoodie and loose jeans and had clout goggles on top of his head.

"Uh huh," he replied nodding his head and grabbing his luggage.

"You grew up a lot Georgie."

"So did you."

He grabbed his bags and I grabbed his hand out of reflex and led him to my car. He didn't pull away.

He threw his bags in the bag and followed me to the drivers side.

"Other side Georgie." I chuckled.

"Oh- right," he scratched the back of his neck, walking over to the other side.

We got in and got buckled. I started the car putting my hand on the gear shift and putting the car in drive.

"You can sleep if you want." I glanced over at him, his face still a little flushed out of embarrassment.

"I'm still on UK time, its like midnight there. Wanna listen to music?"

"Oh right, sure," I nodded and let him connected his phone to my car.

"Anything you like in particular?" He looked up at me and I shook my head. "My playlist then?"

"Okay, but my music will always be superior," I giggled and he shook his head.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night," He chuckled along with me and hit play.

Heat waves by Glass Animals

Of course. I wheezed at his choice but sung along anyway.

By the time it got to the chorus we were both shouting along to the song.



We both were wheezing by the time we got home. Having almost completely re-warmed up to one another.

We both got out and made our way into my apartment. I unlocked the door and led him to the guest room, letting him put his bags down before showing him the rest of my place.

"I cant believe that your- well your actually here, I didn't think I would ever see you again." I admitted leaning on the counter and cracking open a zero ultra monster.

"I cant believe it either, I've dreamed about this for years." He took my monster from me a took a few sips before handing it back.

"I thought you forgot about me," I said taking a drink and setting it down.

"I could never." He replied stepping a little closer.

"Your famous now, I'm sure you'll forget about me one day," I joked mirroring his step.

Someone to them---Crew boys x OcWhere stories live. Discover now