23 - Snake

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  "What!?" Athy screamed at the information I just told her.

  "Rose was so sweet though, why would she want Sulfuric acid?"

  "As if I would know..."

  "We could just ask her?"

  "And alert the enemy?" I questioned her back.

  "I got your point.... By the way.... What were you and Jennette talking about?"

  "We were talking about how to get rid of a pest." I slightly growled.

  "Pest?" Athy questioned my choice of words.

  "Don't worry about it... Also..." I looked at the clock that was down the hallway

  "Your going to be late for dance if you don't start running." The moment my words crossed Athy's ears she zoomed away.

  "Times like this is when she should've went for the track and field team...." I chuckled at her adorable behavior.

  "Lucas." I heard a girl with bright red hair and pink eyes say.

  "What do you want Denise?" I was honestly not a fan of this person who wanted Athy to give that pest Andrew a chance.

  "Don't take that tone with me. I'm not your enemy. I just have a question." Denise stated calmly.

  "First of all, I only just met you so any logical person unless your Athy would label you as a enemy. Second of all, Just ask you question already no need to drag so long." I said as I chuckled as how easily Athy can trust someone sometimes.

  "What is so attractive about Athanasia?" Denise stated bluntly.

  "The way you phrased it is so wrong..... It makes it sound like your in love with me or something."

  "You told me to shorten it." Denise pointed out

  "You know what nevermind!" I facepalmed myself.

  "So what do you find attractive about Athanasia."

  'Still doesn't sound any better....'

  "What do I find attractive about Athy.... "

  "The way her golden locks flow in the wind."

  "The way her jeweled eyes shine like stars."

  "The way her smile could make anyone's day."

  "How she's such an airhead that she can make such stupid choices."

  "The way she get jealous over even a little thing."

  "The way she stuffs her cheeks full with chocolate."

  "The way she pouts looking like an adorable hamster."

  "The way she blush when I tease her.."

  "Just everything about her.."

  "Is perfect to me.." I couldn't help but smile as I remembered all our moments together.

  I looked at Denise who gave a perfect example of a face that screams disgust. Yet somehow.... Maybe there was a hint of sadness...

  "What's with that expression your the one who asked me the question!" I was offended she found what I said disgusting though I had to admit it was cheesy.

  "I was hoping to understand why brother likes her so much..."Denise said as she sighed.

  "I can answer you why most boys like her but I can't speak for your brother."

What Have I done? -LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now