26 - 6th sense

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  "Athy..." Lucas called me in a calm and sweet voice.

  'hm?' I slowly opened my eyes.

  "Hey Lucas...." I was tired so I replied lazily .

  "Geez! Please don't talk in that voice...." I saw Lucas put a hand to his mouth covering his face.

  'What's wrong with him?' I scanned his appearance.

  "Lucas fix your appearance.." I looked away from him an blushed as I heard him chuckle. The top two buttons of his school attire was unbuttoned.....

  "I had to wake up early to get us food ok? On top of that you had the big idea to admire me in my sleep." Lucas stated.

  "That doesn't explain your unbuttoned shirt and also, the fact that your not wearing the school vest over it!" I rebutted as I continued to blush.

  "Can you even call it a vest when it has long sleeves?"

  "That's not what's important right now! What's important is that you button your god damn shirt!" I felt myself blush harder as I finished my sentence.

  "Ok ok you can look now! Geez! Your so concerned with my attire you didn't notice that I said I bought food for us."

  My ears immediately popped up as I heard the word 'Food'

  'Right I didn't get to eat yesterday after those sandwiches.. I think even a normal person would be hungry after only having 6 sandwiches for the entire day...'

  "Come on let's eat, or would you rather I eat all your food to?" Lucas threatened snapping me out of my thoughts.

  "No don't take my food!" I got up immediately and saw that the coffee table which was infront of the couch was filled with various different types of food from different stalls.

  "Eat up. I know you didn't eat yesterday so you just be hungry. Also the Macdonald's bag is behind me why didn't you eat it?"

  'He's so sweet thinking about me the first thing as he wakes up!!! Wait... He didn't....'

  "Lucas you didn't eat it right?" I grabbed his hand with both of mine and looked at him with an expression full of worry.

  "Of course I didn't, I'm not dumb! You would eat any food that's given to you so if you didn't eat it there would be a valid reason!" Lucas looked at me baffled at how stupid I thought he was.

  "That bags from.... Andrew...." I said as I began to dig into the buffet that Lucas got me.

  "That explains why!" Lucas reached his had over the table.

  'What's he trying to do?' I saw him smiling at me warmly as he pet my head.

  "Thank you for listening to me.." He said softly.

  "When did you become so.... Sweet?" I questioned his behavior.

  "Is there something wrong with me showing that I'm happy that you trust me?" Lucas expression changed as he went back to his usual mood.

  "Eh! No I want sweet Lucas back!!!" I whined at Lucas who looked at me and smirked.

  "Are you talking about behavior or.... taste?" Lucas smirked at me as I blushed hard nearly choking on my food.

  "Shut it!" I stuffed the food that I have bitten into his mouth.

  'Shoot what did I just do....' I blushed furiously looking at Lucas eat the food that was already half bitten by me.

  "Delicious" Lucas commented as he licked his lips making me blush even harder.

  "S-Shut it...." I looked down as I continued to eat the food which was almost entirely devoured by me.

  "Athy your blushing so hard right now~" Lucas continued to tease me as I just lowered my head as ate without making a single comment.

  "Did you test the Macdonald's?" Lucas finally after 10 whole minutes of teasing me whipped his smirk of his face.

  "No I didn't but I don't need to..." I said as I finished eating all the food.

  "It's not poisoned." I stated.

  "How can you even tell?" Lucas questioned my instincts which are never wrong.

  "I have a 90% chance of guessing it right sir! Also.... I don't know.... It's like a 6th sense kinda thing...."

  "So you have a 10% chance of getting it wrong." Lucas concluded.

  "Well anyway! That burger isn't poisoned." I stared at Lucas straight in the eye to show him I had full confidence in what I was saying.

  "Then why didn't you eat it?" Lucas questioned me.

  "It's not poisoned I'm 100% sure but.... I'm 86% sure it's drugged..." I stated as I looked at the bag of Macdonald's I saw how Lucas eyes widdened.

  "Why only 86%?" Lucas asked.

  "Because A. Most of the time we only deal with poison  B.I don't have the equipment with me to check for it  C. I didn't get fully trained since.... You know..... Mum died...." I replied feeling my mood slowly going down.

  "Athy you ok?" Lucas magically appeared by my side.

  'Was I so distracted I didn't even notice him coming over to the other side of the table?'

  "You can read me like an open book so you tell me."

  "Your mood tells me that your still doing ok just saddened a little."

  "Yup!" I sighed as I walked over to the bag of Macdonald's.

  "What are the effects of the drug?" Lucas proceeded to dig more information out of me.

  "That I do not know."

  "Could we test it out Lucas?" I looked at him with puppy eyes but to no avail he still regected me...

  "No!" Lucas said sternly.

  "But how else would we know what's inside this Macdonald's burger?" I asked Lucas.

  "We could send it to the lab?"

  'Why didn't I think of that....'

  "But how do we phrase it to her?" Lucas stared thinking

  "We could probably ask aunty to send it saying that she accidentally mixed up the chemicals for the practical exams an want them to tell her what she messed it up with." I came up with a plan quite quickly if I do say so myself.

  "That's not a bad idea...." Lucas stated as he thought my plan through.

  "Lucas I'm going to go to my dorm to change." I headed to the door.

  "Let me walk you there." Lucas offered which I immediately agreed.

  "Thank you Lucas!"

Hey guys!
  Thank you for 2.14k+ views and 190+ votes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you in the next chapter!

  Also which of these characters do you want to know looks like? I think I can make time to draw out one of them...





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