50 - What have I done...?

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"Lucas stop pacing back and forth!" Someone said.

My mind couldn't think of anything.

All it did was play the same words.

She's in coma.

She's in coma.

She's in coma.

I couldn't snap myself out of it.

"Lucas." I heard a voice say it wasn't screaming like the other one was it was calm but firm.

'Mum...?' I looked up and saw mum looking at me with a serious face.

"Lucas. She's in coma. Not dead. So stop pacing! Your making me dizzy!" Mum said.

"But she's in coma! She could die any minute!" I said in a yelling voice while mum stayed calm.

"Does Athy look so weak to you?" Mum questioned me.

'Athy... Isn't anything near weak... She's strong maybe not physically but mentally...'

"I suggest you go see who was in charge of the car before continuing your pacing." Mum said as I widdened my eyes.

'Was it not an accident?'

"Mum it was a hit and run... Don't tell me you've got it on tape..." I said composing myself.

"Sure did!" Mum waved up her phone and showed me an image of a blurred out car plate number.

'Its blur but I can still make out the numbers...'

"Mum you know how this car belong to right?" I asked.

Mum is the type of person to look for who caused the pain rather then going to the person who's in pain.

So good chance the moment she got the notice she started looking for who was driving the car and digging to the bottom of it.

"Yup. Apparently Andrew somehow escaped the car and hijacked another car to hit athy." Mum said.

'WHAT!?!' I felt my blood boil in anger.

"He's captured now right...?" I said in a low voice trying to cage my anger that was seeping out of me.

"Yup! Would you like to talk to him?" Mum handed me the phone which seemed to have contact with the police.

"Yes." I was near just flat out screaming at anything right now.

"Here." Mum hands me her phone who was calling someone.

"Hello?" Andrew's annoying voice came through the phone.

"Hello indeed Andrew. It's too bad to say it's not a good morning to hear you at all." I said. I have been in the hospital overnight worried sick about Athy.

"Lucas? What do you want?!" Andrew said in an annoyed voice.

"Why?" I ask in disbelief.

"Why what? Oh! Why did I run over Athanasia?" Andrew said in a cocky tone.

"Yes." I was struggling to control me mood.

"Well its simple really! I wanted to test if I loved her." Andrew said in a pleased voice.

"What?" I real!y wanted to scream at him but I knew I should keep calm for athy...

"Do you not get it? If my brain tells me to stop and hit on the breaks that means I love her, if it didn't well then I don't." Andrew said annoyingly calm.

"Is Athy just some game to you?" I said.

"Yes. If I don't love her then she doesn't matter to me." Andrew said confident.

What Have I done? -LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now