42 - Picture

378 11 6

  'Lucas face looks pale...' I looked at Lucas who in my eyes looked like he was putting on a strong face.

  'I feel like I'm forgetting something...' I hit my head with my hand which caused Lucas to look at me like I've gone crazy.

  "Athy you ok?" Lucas went in front of me and turned around.

  "I should be asking you that... But I feel like I'm forgetting something..." I sighed giving up in trying to remember.

  "I'm fine see!" Lucas spun around.

  "Whatever! Let's just keep walking!" I grabbed him by his wrist and started stomping towards the dorm.

  "Hey! What's wrong?" Lucas asked I could tell he was not only curious but also worried what was on my mind that got me so worked up.

  "I don't know! I feel like there's something I should remember yet my brain can't figure it out and it's annoying me!" I blurted out annoyed with myself.

  "Is it because the lock-pick test is happening today?" Lucas said which made my eyes widen and turn around stopping in my tracks.

  "That's today!?" I said in utter disbelief that I forgot!

  "Yes... After the test the 'tutors' would come in as sort of a 'reward'".

  "Ugh! Lucas lend me your phone for a second?" I asked putting my hand out.

  "No. If I give you my phone now we're never gonna get back to the dorm." Lucas said as he started walking again.

  'I shouldn't argue if I do it'll just take a longer time to get his phone...' I pouted but walked anyway.

  "We should really fix your phone soon..." Lucas said which I just nodded.

  "I'm dieing to take a picture of the expressions you've been having these days!" I said while giggling.

  "Nevermind!" Lucas said walking slightly faster.

  "Lucas!! Come on don't be mean!" I jokingly said to Lucas who laughed.

  I was too distracted by our conversation to notice that Lucas was slightly limping and was also sweating.

  "Lucas!" I ran up to him when I noticed he almost lost his balance.

  "I'm alright!" Lucas said the moment I touched his hand I felt that he was hot.

  "Alright!? As if! What's your temperature right now!" I grumbled as I tried to help him.

  "How would I know... I don't bring around a thermometer..." Lucas said regaining his balance and continuing to walk.

  "We're almost there..." I said somehow without me even noticing we were already at my dorm door.

  'The test must be going on now... Or maybe it finished already...' I thought to myself unhappy.

  "Lie down." I made him lie on the mattress which honestly wasn't that bad! It's as comfortable as the bed.

  "Do you want water? or just some rest? Or would you prefer to shower?" I asked Lucas.

  "Athy chill. I'm not dieing I just have a fever. Also if I showered I don't have any clothes to change into." Lucas said which made me look away and blush in embarrassment....

  "Wait... Your expression... Don't tell me..." Lucas stopped mid way scentence as I opened my wardrobe and handed him his clothes.

  "H-how long have you had this..." Lucas asked my completely confused.

What Have I done? -LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now