24 - I don't care

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  "Here Athy!" Andrew gestured over to a cafe.

  'He looks way to happy...' I sighed to myself somehow managed to be dragged here...

  "What would you like to eat?" Andrew asked me taking out his wallet.


  "No need I'm no hungry..." I politely declined his offer.

  "Oh?" You could hear the disappointment in his words.

  'Someone please come and save me from this awkward mood!!!' I cried to myself as I took a seat and Andrew followed me shortly after he ordered his food.

  "So what do you normally do when your have extra time?" Andrew asked trying to start a conversation and break the awkward atmosphere.

  "I..." I thought about it for awhile..

  'I normally spend time with Lucas..... Or dance? I guess?'

  "I do dance as you probably saw from the windows of our dance room." I awkwardly smiled towards Andrew.

  "Your really amazing at it!" Andrew complemented me and then continued to talk about what he likes to do.

  I stared out at the window only half listening to what he was saying.... In the back of my head I wanted to see Lucas...

  "Athy?" Andrew waved his hand infront of my face.

  "Huh? Yes?" I tried to politely smile and ignore the fact that I wasn't listening to him.

  "Am I that uninteresting?" Andrew asked clearly disappointed that I wasn't listening to him.

  "I'm sorry I'm just thinking about homework..?" I came up with a lame excuse that Andrew accepted.

  "I'm sorry! I'm sure you have alot of homework!" Andrew immediately apologized.

  'He seems to be alot more polite then Lucas...'

  'But he can't see through my lies like Lucas can...'

  "Ah no it's fine! So why did you transfer to our school?" I asked Andrew trying to dig some information that maybe useful.

  "I transferred because my dear sister Denise, thought it was a good idea to start a fight and got herself expelled." Andrew said as he clicked his tongue annoyed at his sister I guess..

  "Then why did you come too? I mean it's your sister who got expelled not you right?" I asked finally having a interesting topic to talk about.

  "My family isn't wealthy like yours for them to pay her back into school, also they preferred for us to be in the same school so I go dragged down along with her."

  'He's lying..... The Lloyd family are known to be excellent merchants....' I was growing only more suspicious...

  "I see.... Well I hope you enjoy your time in our school!" I beamed at Andrew trying to gain more trust.

  'He could've said something like his family travels around so they would switch school but no..... Why is he lying....?'

  "Yes I have enjoyed my time here! Thanks to you..." I saw how he turned his face to the side and blushed.

  'He's seriously in love with me....' I sighed..

  "Well it's getting late I should probably get to doing my homework.." I tried to find a excuse to get out of here.

What Have I done? -LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now