49 - Athy...

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  Do you know how people say they saw their life flash before their very eyes?


  What if instead of them someone else saw it?

  What if that person loved the other?

  They say the reaper decides when to take someone's life.

  What's if it was that person's time?

  And at that very same spot the person stood there?

  What would they do?

  What should they do?


  Then again....

  What could they do?

  We all know the famous saying.

  Actions speak louder then words.

  But what if at that time their actions were to slow?

  No words came out...

  Would you say their intention to say their loved one was false?

  People say they'll go through hell for the other...

  But in this case...

  That person who's life was about to be taken was no devil...

  If anything she was an angel...

  An angle destined to go to heaven...

  Would the partner go through hell...?

  But should they chose to go to hell that girl still won't be found...

  When all doors seemed to close on that person...

  When all time seemed to stop...

  When everything starts to go in slow motion....

  And the when it's over...?

  They'll see it again...

  As if on repeat...

  The moment where the person sees their lover about to die...

  They would be trapped in the endless cycle of seeing their lovers life flash before their eyes...

  They would be trapped in their own nightmare...

  All the childhood stories we are being exposed to are once that end with the same line...

  Happily ever after...

  But what the child does not see...

  Is the books that are in the far back...

  The books that end with a horrible conclusion...

  Would this person share the fate of the books at the back...?

  Or share the fate of the book that we were read to sleep by...?

  In movies and shows...

  In moments like this...

  The person would run to them...

  The person would push them aside and take their place in death...

  The person would do it...

  But the person never had time on their side...

  If a show or movie has this scenario...

  Should a show or movie decide to have one of the main character die...

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