Chapter One

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"Riley baby, woke up" Her mother said softly smiling at her daughter.

"Mummy sleepy" She murmured snuggling into her lion plushy.

"Baby, we're going to meet daddy remember" Her mother said softly stroking her hairs.

"Daddy" She quickly get up while rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists.

"Yay, now we live with daddy" She said giggling while thinking about her daddy.

"Baby, mummy had to tell you something. Mummy had really important work so mummy can't stay with you ame daddy. You live with daddy until mummy came back" Her mother told with sad smile.

"Why mummy?" The little girl wince.

"Baby, no whining. I told you to be a good girl" Her mother said softly.

"Yes mummy, but you come back fast" The little girl asked her mother with hopeful eyes.

"Yes baby" She said softly smiling at her.

She bath her and wear her a white floral print dress with her white flats. She pack few of her clothes, toys and things she need. She tie her brown hairs in a ponytail.

They went to a big house. The little girl squealed while looking at the house. They walk towards doorstep. Her mother look at the house than at her little girl with a sad smile.

"Okay baby, I would leave now" She said softly smiling at her daughter.

"Mummy" The little girl said softly looking at her mother with teary eyes.

"You would be fine baby. He will take care of you, love you and most important he will give you everything that I can't give you" She said softly stroking her cheeks.

"Okay mommy" The little girl whisper softly.

She smile and rang the door bell. She quickly went away when she hear footsteps approaching. She sat inside a taxi and went away while tears flow from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for lying baby. I have no time. I can't take care of you any more. I hope he will give you love" She whisper to herself.

The little girl holding her little plushy looking at the big gate with curious eyes. When a lady open door. She look at the little girl. Who had dark brown hair and light green eyes looking at her with doe eyes.

"What are you doing here girl?" She asked simply looking at the little girl in front of her.

"Daddy live here" She said softly smiling at her.

"You're in wrong place now go away" She said and close the door on her face.

"But mummy said daddy here" She whisper to herself then sat down on the floor waiting for her daddy to open door.

It's getting dark and she started to drift to sleep but she keep her eyes open. She is hungry and her stomach started to hurt. She wince in pain and close her eyes tightly while holding her Lion plushy close to herself.

She hear a car engine sound. Her eyes fluttered open. She look in front of her. A car stopped and a man came out. He is so tall and looking handsome. The little girl run towards him and hug his legs.

"Daddy" She grinned forgetting about her stomach ache and sleep.

Xavier knight is so tired after today meeting. He just want to lay on his comfortable bed. He reach home. His driver open door for him. He came out and going to walk when a little girl came and hug his legs calling him daddy. He frown then look at her angrily. He just hate kids.

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