Chapter Two

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Next morning, Riley woke up with Sebastian shaking her. She get scared at first but then relax. He helped her in bath and changed. They went down stairs. She look at Xavier sitting on dinning table looking at his phone.

"Good morning da" She is going to call him daddy but he glare at her making her stop.

"Why she is still here?" Xavier asked looking at Sebastian.

"I call some of my workers to find out about her. She didn't know anything about her mother" He said blankly giving her pancakes while cutting into small pieces.

"I don't want her in my fucking house" Xavier groaned while getting up straightening his suit.

"Where are you going daddy?" She asked softly looking at him with curious eyes.

"Far away from you" He scoffed and went out of the house leaving the crying little girl.

"Mummy lie. Daddy don't love Riley" She said jumping from the chair stumbling over and running upstairs to her room where she stay last night.

She keep on crying while holding her plushy close to herself. She don't want that. She always thought her Dad love her but he don't. He don't even want her in his house. He is nothing like she though about him.

"I wanna go to mummy. Daddy don't love Riley. Mummy please come back" She said sobbing loudly hugging her lion plushie.

"Sweet pea" Sebastian said softly walking inside.

"I'm sorry sweet pea, you need to face all this. He will love you maybe. It's just everything new to him" He said softly hugging her.

She cried while hugging him for hours. He rocked her back and forth making her fall asleep.


She woke with in afternoon when a maid came to woke her up. She shake ber softly. She mumble few words then slowly open her eyes. She rub her eyes softly then look at her.

"Umm good morning" Riley said giving her a warm smile making her heart melt.

"Good afternoon to you also miss, Sebastian sir told ne woke you and make you eat" She said softly smiling at her.

"Okay, thank you" She said softly looking at her.

"Scarlett" She said softly helping her to get down.

"Thank you Cary" Riley said giggling at the nickname.

Scarlett smile ta her and helped her in bath then change. She tie her hairs in two little braid. They walk down stairs and Scarlett give her food to eat while cutting into small pieces. She smile at the food and going to eat it when the bead made Lyla came.

She don't like Riley. She just want to her leave from here. She wants to marry her daughter with Xavier so she can have his money and power but when that little girl came Xavier didn't pay attention to anyone. He didn't like the little girl bit whenever she cry it makes him feel bad but he push his feelings away.

"Xavier said not to give her food" Lyla said blankly picking up the plate from the table making the little girl frown.

"Daddy tell no food" Riley asked looking at her with her big green eyes.

"Yes, now go outside and stay there. Don't come inside" Lyla said angrily glaring at the poor little girl.

"Riley do what daddy tell. Riley be a good girl" She murmured to herself than walk outside of the house.

"Why are you treating her like this? She lost her mother and now you" Scarlett said looking at Lyla.

"Don't argue with me" Lyla scoffed and walk away to do her work.

Riley is sitting outside on steps of the house while shivering in cold. She just murmuring that she will be a good girl for her father than he will love her. She sat for a long time. Her stomach started to ache because she is hungry. She didn't eat properly in the morning and it's getting dinner time.

After some time, a car pull in the driveway. A driver hopped off the car and went to open back seat door. Xavier came out of the car while straightening his suit. Riley smiled at Xavier. Xavier look at the little girl then groaned. He is going to walk inside but it's click in his mind, why she is sitting there with a pain expression?

"What are you doing outside at that time?" He asked frowning.

"You said Riley to wait here" She said softly looking up at him.

"When I fucking told you to wait for me here in this fucking in nothing just a fucking shorts and that little top?" He asked annoyed.

Of course, he hate kids but don't want her to get hurt because of himself. He said bad things to her but he can't control it. He said ner all this control himself in front of him. She is making him go all soft and he don't like this.

"That mean lady said, Daddy tell no food and wait outside" She said frowning.

"You didn't eat from how long" He asked simply giving her his hand to get up.

"Lunch daddy, can Riley eat now? Riley be a good girl" She asked softly looking at him with her big eyes.

"Yeah of course, common" He said walking inside while holding her hand.

"Lyla" Xavier yelled making Riley hand tighten around his hand.

"Yes sir" She asked looking at Riley.

"Why didn't you fucking give food to her and told her to wait outside?" He asked blankly.

"No sir, she lied. She didn't eat food and also went outside to wait for. O went so many times to get her back but she didn't came" Lyla said glaring at the poor child so she wouldn't say anything.

"I not daddy" She whimper softly.

"Shut the fuck. I thought you just here because your mother leave you and you don't anything about her but you are also a fucking liar" Xavier groaned then pull his hand away from her.

"Daddy no" She said softly looking at him while tears flow from her eyes.

"Give her dinner in her room. Don't come outside until I give you permission" He said blankly walking upstairs leaving the poor girl crying.

Lyla lock her in guest room while Riley keep crying. Scarlett get her food and make her eat. Riley fall asleep while crying for her mother to come back.

Hey guys I wish you like this chapter. Leave your comments and votes....

What do you think about Xavier?

What do you think about Riley?

What do you think about Lyla behavior?

Is Xavier gonna found out the truth about lyla?

Is Riley really his child?

What do you think about Sebastian?

Who is favorite character?

What is going to happen next?

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Love you so much ❤

Stay safe😊

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