Chapter Eleven

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Riley is sleeping in Xavier lap while he is holding her close to himself. He didn't leave her even for a second. He is just feeling like she is gonna disappear if he leave her. He don't want her mother to get her away. He don't want her to get her hurt. That scene the car is coming towards his little Angel is keep coming in front of his eyes making his hold on Riley tighten in a protective way.

Sebastian said softly: "she is fine Xavier and no one is getting her away from you. She is safe"

Angelo said simply: "yeah why don't you go and freshen up?"

Xavier said simply: "I'm fine"

They sighed and didn't said anything. It's been few hours. Riley falls asleep in a way to home. Xavier is stroking her hairs softly. She slowly stir in her sleep. She rub her eyes with her tiny fists and slowly open her eyes while mumbling few words which no one understand.

Xavier heart is beating so fast. What if she ask about her mother? What he gonna answer her? How he gonna tell her that she leave and why he don't know?

Riley murmured softly: "daddy"

He take a huge breathe and said softly: "yes baby, daddy is right here"

She look up at him and snuggled into his chest. He stroke her hairs softly and she mumble softly: "why mummy no see Riley and leave?"

He sighed and said softly: "mummy must be busy baby and you saw there are so many cars and people. Mummy didn't hear you otherwise she will definitely come to you"

She nodded her head after few seconds understanding properly. She said softly: "daddy no leave Riley"

He kiss the crown of her head and said softly: "never baby, daddy will never leave his baby"

She said softly pecking his lips: "Riley love daddy"

He smiled happily after hearing those words. He said softly smiling: "daddy also love Riley so much, my little Angel"

She smile a little bit. He said softly pulling away looking at her: "baby promise daddy, you wouldn't leave daddy like this again and you wouldn't go on road like this specially alone. If something happened to you? What daddy will do without his baby?"

She said softly: "sorry daddy"

He smiled and kissed her forehead. Sebastian asked softly: "how are you dove?"

She said softly: "fine uncle sebi"

Angelo said softly: "don't scare us and your daddy like this again"

She smile and Xavier said simply: "let's bath you baby"

She smile and he pick her in his arms and walk upstairs to his room. His whole life is now walking around that little girl. She wrap that most dangerous person around her pinky and she didn't even know that.

Everyone think that Xavier is a emotionless, rude and arrogant business man but no body knows about his past. His demons, his past life that he never wants to come back again. He can't let her get hurt. He will do anything to keep her away from his past and demons. He will protect his little Angel.


Riley is in kitchen eating chocolate without asking. She saw Scarlett putting chocolate in freeze. She went on stool and get chocolate. She eat five chocolates. Sebastian is still sleeping because of his late night work. Angelo is not at home. Scarlett went to clean rooms.

Xavier was showering. He came down stairs in sweatpants and t-shirt. He start looking for Riley when he saw her sitting on kitchen floor eating chocolate while whole covered in chocolate. He chuckle internally and click few pictures of her.

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