Chapter Six

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Angelo asked softly looking at her with furrowed eyebrows: "what do you mean by special love sunshine?"

She said softly looking at Xavier making his hands turns into fists: "he put his pee pee in Riley Daddy and it's hurt so bad daddy"

Sebastian said angrily making her flinch: "he fucking what?"

Xavier glare at him and said simply rubbing her back: "shut the fuck up, I want that fucking sick bastard"

Sebastian and Angelo nodded their heads and went away in his car with Jaxon. Xavier said softly looking at her: "baby shh, you're safe here. Daddy wouldn't let anyone hurt his baby"

She whimper and asked softly: "daddy no hate Riley"

He said softly kissing her forehead: "no baby, daddy love Riley so much. Daddy understand that late"

She nodded snuggling into him. He said softly: "common my baby must be hungry"

She didn't said anything. She get her to kitchen and helped her in eating. She didn't wat much. She didn't even want to eat but he still convinced her for eating. He get her upstairs to his room to make her bath so she can sleep. She didn't utter a single word.

He said softly while putting her on bed: "we don't have your clothes. Do you like to wear daddy shirt"

She just nodded her head. He sighed and going to walk to closet when she mumble softly: "no leave daddy"

He said softly looking at her: "I'm just getting clothes for you baby"

She nodded her head softly. He went to get clothes for her. He came back with his shirt. He pick her and went to washroom. He open the tap to fill the bath tub. He look at her and going to remove her dress when she start kicking her legs while crying loudly.

He hold her legs and said softly: "calm down baby girl, I wouldn't hurt you"

She said sobbing loudly: "Riley no like special love. Please daddy no special love"

He hug her tightly to his chest and said softly: "it's not special love what the bad uncle did to you. No father can do that to his daughter baby. I would never do that baby"

Her cries got down. She is sniffling when he said with tears flow from his eyes: "it's all my fault. It's all fucking my fault. If I treat you good before nothing will happen like that to you. I can fucking stop you. But I'm the one who fucking leave with that monster. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry"

She said softly wiping his tears: "no cry daddy. Mummy tell daddy is strong man. Daddy save Riley. Daddy no cry"

He hug her while crying. After some time. He calm himself down. He convinced her to remove her dress and bath her. He make her wear his shirt. She get lost in his shirt. He make her fall asleep while stroking her hairs and walking here and there.

He lay her softly on his bed and give her his pillow so she can sleep properly. He get a mess from Angelo about Mr. Carter. He smirk and went towards the basement. He went inside saw him tieing on a chair with bruised face and blood was dripping from his thighs. He went to him and punch him straight in jaw breaking his teeth.

He growled angrily pulling his chairs harshly: "how dare you fucking touch my daughter?"

He laugh and said: "she is nothing to you then why do you fucking care. She is a fucking bitch and what if I use her for pleasure"

Angelo kick him in his balls and growled: "that's fucking dick is really needy. Let's cut this fucking needy dick if your"

He smirk while looking at his horrifying face. Mr Carter said: "you can't do this. Your business gonna ruin. Police gonna find you"

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